One Realm for All

This. I’d much rather keep my servers, plus losing them would feel weird, like… idk. Having servers then not having them wouldn’t feel right

Wow doesn’t have the net code nor hardware for this.

Ruin gaming crew has in the past caused many rage threads for using group sync mechanics to choke out areas with a whopping 80 people.

Eve players like me laugh at that. I’ve done the blob fights. I don’t worry about lag till local is up to 800. as that 800 once drones and fighters (more advanced wow pets so to speak) drop…acutally become like 1500+ things the game is tracking in space real easy.

In eve I can go its tradehub system Jita. the wow equivalant would be a hot night in SW r Org with all the AH folks there.

there could be 1000 people there. No hiccups . Imagine the SW/Org AH scenes with 1000 people. even if you do 500 per AH, SW/Org is node is going to crap real fast.

20,000ish players as opposed to 5,000,000ish.

Names. Guild names. Communities. Not killing RP.

When Old Republic went to megaservers, it killed the RP community overnight and the game saw a mass exodus due to names and how the community changed. People also despised losing their server names. There was even complaints when they removed the <guild name @ server> tags and hid the server name. People were getting guilds mixed up and they were angry their old servers were now removed from their identity.

Battle Tag ID would be the only way players can keep their name under one realm .

The game definitely appears to my eyes to be continuing to move in the direction of becoming one big pool of shards on demand. But I’m not really sure it’s being steered there or just drifting in that direction. There are still a few issues to sort out like the reason the auction house / black market auction house and name uniqueness. And the resharding quirks that became a much bigger issue in DF show that the foundations still need some work.


Time will tell.

And where would you host this megaserver? The US I’m assuming.

Aside from issues like yeah, Blizzard can handle the lag and latency on multiple servers and never has a problem (right?) and the other stuff like guild names, character names, sharding joys, etc…

May I represent the significant numbers of players who do not reside on the continental US, especially the players on their own Oceanic server?


I’m fine with this if mean some unblance sever like too much horde here meet toomuch allince there, You know make the unblance balance you konw?