One Realm for All

With all of the changes that have been happening over the last few years and especially with War Bands, doesn’t it seem like a move to a one realm for everyone is just on the horizon?


Good luck finding a server big enough.

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You would end up with more sharding than you are seeing now.


You understand there are 100+ petabyte servers now right?


Broken bottles under children’s feet
Bodies strewn across the dead-end street
But I won’t heed the battle call
It puts my back up, puts my back up against the wall

Sunday, Bloody Sunday


Servers are mostly here just to allow people to keep their names

The amount of name changes would be quite staggering.


I’d rather stay in my containment realm away from the normies, thanks.


Great point. So allow servers for name sake but cluster all together. Does that make sense?

Hear me out MapleStory has the answer. Let players pick the shard they want to play on. Yes, I am suggesting players get the ability to move freely between shards instead of having it forced on them because they moved 2 inches to the left.

What constitutes a normy to you?

I mean. Outside of joining a guild. Thats basically what we have.

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Good song but it’s more the vodka than the day of the week lol.

I hope not.

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Helldamnno. Never. Mega servers are terrible.

We’ve already got Connected Realms and cross server guilds. Not to mention Blizz fails at having too many people in an area as is.

I’m not losing my character names and guild names for this mega server nonsense.

Not gonna happen, that’s a massive technical limitation

I work in tech. Sharding is not necessary anymore. We have millions of users using our application off one server and a backup.

you understand there are 100+ petabyte servers now AND server tech that a small company a fraction of the size of Blizz was able to create to achieve something similar, right?

No, it doesn’t seem that way to me.

I am not sure about that

Sharding in my example is not really about server sizes but allowing for players to control the size of popular they play with. Want to have a guild RP event move to a less used shard. Want to quest with more people move to a more popular shard. It just about having player choice.