One of my characters has only 1 remnant of valor. I heard that Blizz replied on a warrior forum saying that it’s the punishment for dong the quest on day one. Is this true?
Should be able to pick it up again now
no they said they werent going to compensate people who only got 1 because it largely a non issue with how they are implementing the system. they never stated it was a punishment. they disabled the infinite turn ins until naxx release to avoid a incursions like issue,
Its already been fixed, stop trolling. And yes it was an issue
Never fixed, still half an hour behind with the 1 token compared to people who waited. Half an hour is not a non issue unless you live with your mom and do nothing all day kinda thing
It takes like 10 minutes to click on a stone dropped by the spooky boys. If u can’t dedicate 10-30 minutes to do an invasion then I really don’t think valor is much of a concern as most guilds or pugs will be able to clear naxx level 1 without even using the new sanctified power item. If u are in a guild that plans to run high difficulties and this unlocks u beyond level 2 sanc item then u should be able to dedicate about 30+ minutes to aquire the valor.
Yes it’s true. They wanted to see who would do it first and then give them the finger! Isn’t it bogus?