Thank you for looking at our post and thank you for your interest in One More Time!
We are an all inclusive guild welcoming people of all types so with that in mind the following is a ZERO TOLERANCE policy:
-Prejudice of any kind based off of someone’s Race, Sex, Orientation, etc.
Raid Times:
Tuesdays & Wednesdays 7pm-10pm CST
Our Promise:
Our promise to you upon joining the raid core is to provide you with a chill environment to raid in and complete the content in as it comes out. The goal of the guild is to get as far as we can aiming for AOTC each tier and possibly Mythic Progression if the group strives for it.
Our expectations of you as a core raider:
- Show up to raid on time and ready to go
- Be familiar with fights to the best of your ability
-Be fully gemmed and enchanted
-Perform to the best of your ability
-Ask questions if you dont understand something
-Have Fun!
Requirements of Core Raiders:
-Know your class and be able to perform your role effectively and on par with the content we are pusing at the given time.
- Run Keystone Dungeons during free time as much as possible. You dont have to no life the game but you should be making every effort to better yourself during free time. If you are underperforming and we see you are not running keys or trying to get better then you will be removed.
If interested in joining please feel free to add me on Bnet BigT#1946 and ill happily talk further with you! Thank you so much and have a great day!