One main concern regarding the water strider debacle

The Strider or Raft were not required for Baa’l. Water Walking Elixers exist.

Because zone design is built to slow you down, waste your time, continually put you in combat with worthless mobs, and restrict your activities to their designed paths. All in order to keep you logged in longer and inflate those DAU and MAU numbers.

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And players who farmed the reputation needed to purchase the mount on that vendor get a discount. Ergo some level of reputation will be required to purchase the item after 8.2 goes live. Meaning players will need to farm old content (Allied Races/Heritage Armor anyone) to use the new “perk”. Meanwhile anyone that already earned the ability account wide will have to pay over and over per character to relearn said ability. (Pathfinder anyone?)

I agree, we farmed this mount to get it, now they say its too powerful lmao, these devs are a joke

perhaps the item will still be on the vendor for non-strider owners, but available at a high cost?

perhaps there will be craftable ones available in the future?

perhaps people could wait until the PTR is up before freaking out any further?

Its not. People want to pretend it is bigger than it is to fit a narritive. I use my strider sometimes, but there are times i just dont want to and i go about the world exactly the same. The strider is nice, but the fact that it loses its ability when hit really puts a damper on it, so to say its “mandatory” is an over exaggeration

I would embrace this change if they simply didnt remove the striders ability. Just make it so it cant use the other abilities when youre on your strider. If i have the anti-daze equipment, it wont function on the strider. Then the strider still has value to those that worked for it but those that didnt or dont want to use it dont feel obligated.

Also maybe Blizzard could create bigger zones that dont feel so cramped. Zones where travel doesnt feel like a punishment making something like the strider, which saves a few seconds, feel so necessary. Zones are beautiful, but they arent overly enjoyable to traverse imo

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One strider requires Honored, the other Exalted. The level of reputation provides the discount for players who already have the Strider.

Pretty good guess it’s going to be a very high cost unless you grind to Exalted. Which falls in line with Allied Races (Legion) rep requirements still in place and Heritage Armor leveling from 20. Do more old content, spend more time in game, boost Daily Active User metrics.

Otherwise imagine the whining from players Exalted with the Anglers when Joebob who is Neutral or Friendly suddenly can apply water walking to every mount!

Also, I’m personally not freaking out. I don’t have the Strider and don’t really see the need for one 90% of the time and the other 10% a potion would suffice.

there was no mention of further reputation being required…

if you head to the vendor where you bought a Water Strider, you’ll be able to buy more of this item for a greatly reduced price as an advantage for those who already have the Water Strider.

based on this, if you already own a strider, Nat shouldn’t be discriminating based on your rep level.
he should only discriminate based on when your mount was obtained… but again, this is something which will need to be seen to be believed/understood.

(eg: maybe current strider owners will get a feat which enables the discount?)

We have existing rep based discounts in the game. That’s nothing new and they scale to the level of reputation you have. The higher the rep, the bigger the discount. There’s no reason to think the new system will work differently since they very specifically state what you quoted before.

What the full price is and the level of discount provided at each level gate is what will determine whether or not players who didn’t grind Angler’s because they don’t care for the bug will grind it post 8.2 in order to purchase a consumable, per character to get the effect on all mounts.