One has to go game: Iconic Movie Franchises

You have the option to remove one iconic franchise:

Jurassic Park, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, or Pirates of the Caribbean.

Please explain why.

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Star Wars mostly because I just want their fans to shut up

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Pirates of the Caribbean

I thought they were all stupid movies and I hated the 5 hour fight scenes.

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Lets keep the first movie alive at least

Sure, if we keep episodes 4 through 6 of Star Wars.

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one movie each?

Fine, just Empire Strikes Back.

hand shake

I prefer A New Hope but fair trade

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Return of the Jedi is my favorite. I will not apologize.

As for what franchise to kill? Toss up between MCU and Star Wars. I guess Star Wars since the MCU may be attempting to course correct and Star Wars is just trippling down.

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Pirates of the Caribbean, has to go.

These movies just put me to sleep.


The first Pirates was fantastic. It went downhill after that. I would get rid of Pirates.

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Star Wars. They had so much lore and ruined all of it. No Mirta Gev in the new movies. They give lightsabers cross guards when they dont even know how a Force Lock works which makes it impossible to slide down the blade to cut someone’s hand or arm off as soon as one occurs. And Anakin brought balance to The Force by breaking the Sith Rule of Two so there should not be one master and one apprentice anymore in Star Wars yet there is.

Pirates. The first three where fun but after that the franchise was just being milked for money. Each got more ridiculous then the last. So much so that you could have Bugs Bunny show up and he wouldn’t be out of place.

read Wookiepedia entry
Oh, some third tier, non canon, filler character? Stinks of “This is my badass OC that’s related to an established character” fanfic cringe.
From Palpatine’s perspective, the Chosen One prophecy was some Jedi malarkey. Just another stepping stone to get over to seize power for himself.