One character keeps dc'ing in Blackrock Mountain

I have two accounts which I use to play on Classic Era Whitemane, and I was using my priest on this account to help my druid on another account get the BWL attunement quest. At some point the priest started dcing in Blackrock Mountain repeatedly. Nothing was going on at the time, and it persisted when I disabled all addons. Meanwhile the druid on my other account was fine, which seems to rule out computer or internet issues on my side.

Any ideas on how this could be fixed? Blackrock Mountain is obviously a bad place to have as a DC trap in Classic WoW.

Your options are to use the self-service character stuck feature (moves character) or open a ticket to ask a GM to manually move it.

Thanks, I was able to hearth out, but my concern is more that all the Blackrock Mountain content will be unavailable to this toon if this keeps happening. No BWL raids, etc.

I would look for a addon that is different between the accounts or class

that’s not it. The last 2 runs in B R were borked. No one could move or leave. It’s a wow issue not his.

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If you can narrow it down and provide the exact steps to reproduce the issue, then the best thing to do is report it in Bug Report. None of the players in this P2P troubleshooting forum can pass on complaints to Blizzard for you.

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