One-Button Macro for Multiple Consumables?


Currently I’ve got a macro for consumables like health potions, healthstones, etc. set to different modifier buttons. But what I’m looking for is a macro that basically does a if (X) exists, then use (X.) If not then use (Y) operation, without throwing errors, and without using modifier keys.

Specifically, one like this:

Use [Healthstone] if exists, if not use [Coastal Healing Potion]

What would be SUPER awesome is if conditionals could be worked in, so when I’m in BGs it would go [Healthstone] if exists, if not and @target is in BG, use [Third Wind Potion] if exists, if not then [Coastal Health Potion], but when I wasn’t it would default back to [Healthstone] -> [Coastal Health Potion.]

I have my doubts, but is there any way to do this in the game currently? Thanks in advance for any help.


Not possible. Read the pin.

I was aware they couldn’t do smart decisions for abilities, but didn’t know if they could do roll-overs for consumables.


They’re all off the GCD, makes it a smart decision.

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As an alternative there are some commands such as IsShiftKeyDown() that you should be able to use to set this up with 1 button (with a modifier). It might be easier to just make some keybindings though.

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You don’t need api’s to do something like this:
/cast [mod:shift]Healthstone;Coastal Healing potion

You can also do this:
/cast Coastal Healing potion
/cast Healthstone

Triggers both of them with one activation

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I appreciate the reply, but if you read my original post, I already use modifiers. I’ve got five things macro’d to one button, controlled by them. Also, I know I can activate multiple items with one activation, the point however was to NOT do that. I didn’t want to blow expensive Coastal Healing Potions if I had a Healthstone in my inventory. And on most of my characters I’ve already run out of keybinds that don’t require some gymnastic fingerwork to use.


Hi - can you share the macro you built (not the conditional, just the modifier). Thanks

Either this,
hold ctrl or alt and click macro=Healthstone if you have one, or does nothing if you don’t
hold shift and click macro=rejuvenation pot which does a small heal and doesn’t share a CD with healing pots
hold nothing and click=regular healing pot

/use [mod]Healthstone;[mod:shift]Coastal Rejuvenation Potion;Abyssal Healing Potion

Or this, if you can’t reliably mooch from a lock and don’t want to see the ? icon

/use [mod]Coastal Rejuvenation Potion;Abyssal Healing Potion
/use Healthstone

hold ctrl or alt or shift and click macro=rejuvenation pot which does a small heal and doesn’t share a CD with healing pots
hold nothing and click=regular healing pot
And in addition to whatever happens above, also use a Healthstone if you have one

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What you can do is watch the BAG_UPDATE event and then auto rewrite the macro to Healthstone. This works when out of combat and results in a button that you can push that will have the functionality you describe.