This macro is a simple modification of Eyeful’s mouse-over macro. I can’t include links in this post, but a quick Google search can lead you to the original thread.
The original macro goes like this:
/click CraftCreateButton
/run GetMouseFocus():Click()
/click StaticPopup1Button1
The only limitation of this macro is that you’re forced to keep your mouse over the item you want to enchant. The following modification auto enchants the item you place at the corner right slot of your vertical multi-bar (assuming you’re using Blizzard’s default multi-bar interface). Otherwise, you can edit the second line of this macro to match a slot of your desire.
/click CraftCreateButton
/click MultiBarRightButton12
/click StaticPopup1Button1
A nice perk of both these versions is that you do not need your enchant window open for them to work. For the auto-enchant version, simply:
- Hotkey this macro,
- Open your enchant window,
- Click and highlight the enchant you want to perform,
- Close the window,
- Put your item at the correct slot on your bar,
- Press the hotkey,
And voilà, you got yourself an auto enchant macro! If you find that any of these macros help, then please send your thanks to Eyeful for figuring all this out.