Once you go Mage

once you go mage you understand what it means to be a glass cannon.

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And then with a little gear you 1 shot everything. Mobs flee before you…

Probably fresh 120s that island/Korrak’s boosted. Surely not an equally geared player

My man, go log a mage and read greater pyro’s tool tip.

It does 40% of their max hp as fire damage, meaning its 40% no matter what cool downs or gear you have unless the target pops defensives then its even less.

3 or 4 shots technically but about there!

Then maybe he’s including procs lol

Completely false in every regard unless you’re an awful mage that has absolutely no idea what they’re doing.

Which, to be fair, is most mages.

Yea apply that to anyone the mage is facing, no good mage is going to beat any other good player playing any other class, if you think so come 1v1 me.

Ill stomp you on every class

Sure you will. :laughing:


Yeah ok dude

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Go ahead find me a mage, ill stream so yall can shut up,

mages are straight trash in 1v1

Wasn’t arguing that point. But any mage? Graycen then.

Who took the jam out of your donut?

You are Kul’tiran, you Bigtoejoe!!

I have 1v1 and won some battles :wink:

We were all the same ilvl or higher than them. We were far from bad. Don’t dismiss the complete fear that mage held over the shard. And Sargeras save you if you didn’t have flying.

That is cool you are loving your mage. I am just a bear and once you go bear you just love honey and more honey.


that’s not how it works. GPyro is not affected by any buffs or anything. It will never “one-shot” anyone.

However, you can set up a nice combo with a GPyro + Combust + Meteor + 2 Fire blasts + Pyro + 1 Fire blast + Pyro. It can kill a lot of people.

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cast Greater Pyro

other stuff proc’s and kills target

only healers need it anyway

We can 1v1 sometimes, but it’s tricky… gotta know how to kite and you have to use your CC’s and shimmers perfectly, but it’s possible.

If you fudge a shimmer or the enemy has all their cooldowns on hand there’s a fair chance you’re eating dirt, though. The margin for error in mage vs. anything fights is much more slim in BfA than I think it was in any other expansion.

Once you go mage you open up two more accounts multibox 3 mages in epic BGs and play artillery for your team killing someone every 3 sec with 3 synced GPyros .

So much fun doing this.