Once again - Stealth and cloak bug

Im going to post until they at least mention they are aware of this bug.

And to the people saying its a certain set of abilities/whatever - I can assure you it has nothing to do with any abilities at all.

The functionality of stealth itself is inherently broken. It will drop you out of stealth even if you are quite literally not capable of being in combat or hit by a spell. Really needs working on because its game breaking to get a re stealth off perfectly only to drop out instantly

And cloak of shadows is not even close to working at all, at this point I have dozens of screenshots of me with cloak active and MANY debuffs on me.


It’s confirmed that some abilities are incorrectly causing stealth to fail in a massive area. it doesn’t show up in the combat log. They’ve claimed they fixed Warlock’s malevolence, which was probably the biggest culprit, but warlocks still seem to break stealth more often than other classes. Although Dks seem to be a close second.

The functionality of stealth itself is inherently broken.`

Yea absolutely. It’s been the buggiest mechanic since the start of the game. It became even less reliable after they started using open world phasing more widely after wotlk. Likely because stealth and invisibility use phasing to work.

And cloak of shadows is not even close to working at all, at this point I have dozens of screenshots of me with cloak active and MANY debuffs on me.

I think it’s still only a “resist” not a full immunity outside of the initial “momentary” immunity which i think is just to combat latency issues. It used to be 90%/80% PVE/PVP resistance. Not sure if that’s still the case or not though.

stealth ,vanish and cloak are consistently among the buggiest spells in the game. Combine that with rogue being one of the least represented classes and you can’t expect a small indie developer like blizzard to be able to fix it quickly.