On Twinking: Addressing Misconceptions

Again, not the levelers’ problem.

I’m reminded of the posts made a year and a bit back from Arena players, who asked why people didn’t queue. When people gave their reasons, the Arena players immediately dismissed their reasons.

The twinkies are doing the same thing – dismissing reasons why other players don’t want to play with them.


those are called “dungeons”.


Viewing it as a “waste of time” is why you get rolled by twinks.
People who put effort into their toons will always do better than the people who want things spoon-fed to them.


people are playing two different mindsets. One is just having fun leveling. I am not saying its a waste of time to people that want to gear, that is fine, but keep them in a different bg. Two different playstyles completely.

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The lower level brackets also have huge class balance issues. Add that to the people who twink those balance monsters and you get what we have now.

Resto druids who rack up kills by spamming moonfire and sunfire dots lol.


Im on Stormrage, Proudmoore, and Tich. I spent about 6k gold on the AH pieces combined. I have enchanters on both factions that have all the lowbie enchants of note. Check the AH often. Prices fluctuate constantly.

15 Agility. Best in Slot Main Stat.
1 Large Opal, 1 Thorium setting (1 Thorium ore)

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Using the “new player” as a shield is a huge cop-out. None of you give a crap about beating/killing/gy camping a new player on the opposite faction. You want easy wins, and you blame twinks.

Nobody is looking at Honor badges before the match starts and saying “oh heavens…they have a group of new players. Lets ease off and let them win.” Youre here whining bc you feel you dont win enough. Winning more comes the expense of someone else, including your precious “new players”.

Do yall ever stop and consider that every single one of us was a “new player” at some point? We werent gifted all our BoAs, enchanters, weapons, and gold. Yall act like the the stuff we have is nigh un-obtainable or that it takes years to get. Couldnt be further from the truth.

Best advice to a new player: Get a max level toon or two. Get some gold. Pick the right professions and grow your account. We all did it. You can too.


I find it funny also people talk about these new players. in quite possibly the worst exp pack blizzard has made so far people have been leaving massively and bfa hasn’t even been out long. the q times even at 120 speak for themselves. iv had up to 20mins for a random on horde and Iv even seen ally the underdog faction go up to 5min


Some of these guys act like bliz forces them to stay in these games vs the twinks.


It doesn’t help that many streamers have parroted each other regarding this “Exodus”.
I always thought they loved this game, but we see now what they were really after. $$$

The real WoW players will weather the storm.

so you are saying that its not possible that there are new players and if they are they do not do battlegrounds?


no one is forcing them, but its an option. One that is becoming less of an option all the time.

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If this was any other exp pack sure maybe new players would exist but bfa has done nothing but made people leave hence the q times and hence why you see more people playing low lvls it blows. you want less people playing low lvls? make max lvl actually fun again

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well I can agree with that, but its kind of off topic.

I too lvl in bgs. Just make some friends during or after the games to queue with would make things easier. Nice damage man, you playing more games? Nice heals, you playing more? Need peels? Make the effort.


So your advice to a new player is: don’t be a new player?


What I said was pretty simple to comprehend. And solid advice. Not sure how you gleaned that from it…but whatevs.

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You said precisely as he quoted you.

“I’m a new player. What can I do to fill the gap between me and a twink?”

“Oh, that’s easy. Do all these things you’re incapable of doing as a new player.”


Actually, I don’t do alts. I play BGs as a 120.

My concern is not “easy wins”, certainly not “easy wins” in lower level BGs.

My concern is new players becoming discouraged and not continuing in the game.

BG twinks are not the only, and not even near the top of the problems this game has accumulated to discourage new players, but it’s on the list.

I have missed any explanation of why separate queues are not a good idea, other than the contention that there are not enough twinks to make queqes pop; but that contention was voiced by a non-twink.