On the Topic of Banning GDKPs

I’m tired of GDKPs taking all of the fury and ire from the community for a complete failure of blizzard to enforce their own TOS. GDKPs are emergent gameplay behavior, something that speaks to a deep love a lot of us have for this 20 year old game.

This (threatening customers) reads to me as an abdication of responsibility on the part of Blizzard. What’s next? Are they going to ban GDKPs on era too? Master looter has caused more problems, tickets, confrontations in game than anything else. Since we’re alienating people from their preferred loot distribution that had better be on the chopping block for sure.

Edit: I farm my own gold. But when I have to pug BFD on an alt (with prebis) 100% the gdkps are going to 7/7. People that are already decked out in gear have -some- incentive to participate and the threat of losing your cut means no one is “grey parsing”. Its a beautiful harmony. My last gdkp everyones cut of the pot was 7g.

Phase 2, launching February 8th! See ya there.


master looter was removed from the retail game after legion (and in legion, it was only allowed for guild groups with 80% or more guild members).

but retail still allows people to buy dungeon/raid carries for gold, which is basically the same as GDKP.

someone pays a guild with gold to carry them through a raid and basically all the loot is reserved the purchaser.

They aren’t going to reverse the GDKP ban after it’s announced because you feel sad.

GDKPs are banned on the 8th. Have fun!

it’s actually just an experiment, as blizzard stated:

We are experimenting with a new policy which will no longer allow GDKP runs in Season of Discovery.

Blizzard also expressly stated that they will be taking feedback regarding this decision.

so that is what we are doing, we are giving our feedback to blizzard.

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It hasn’t even been implemented so they aren’t going to reverse it.

Go find something to do besides wasting your time here.

GDKPs are banned on the 8th.

You can’t stop this.

Generally you give feedback after the announced thing is implemented not before. I don’t know why you think they would completely reverse this decision.

It’s not like they came up with it overnight. They probably wrote code to help detect GDKPs and everything.

It’s going to happen.

we are allowed to give feedback at this time if we so desire… blizzard did not restrict our ability to give feedback until a certain date.

The OP isn’t saying anything useful. He is complaining about RMT when GDKPs drive RMT directly.

There is no demand for gold without GDKPs.

I’m pretty sure they want to see the results of the ban before deciding if it works or not.

ERGO, it won’t be overturned before it’s even implemented.

Continue to waste your time champ.

i believe that the OP’s post is very useful.

OP has explained how GDKP impacted his gameplay in a positive manner which helps blizzard to determine whether or not the GDKP experiment should continue or be cancelled.

if GDKPs are positive for some people, maybe it isn’t a great idea to restrict them.

the OP’s post is very relevant to blizzard’s experiment.

Devs said they’re paying attention, additionally the customer support button directs you to the forums so I’m doing my due diligence.

No its not. Blizzard is not some therapist that decides based on a feeling towards something.
The gdkp will stay or even expand when it reduces botting and rmt

blizzard expressly stated that they want to hear feedback on this experiment.

The feedback they care about is botting and rmt. Poor little soul

It’s not going to be cancelled before it’s even implemented so the feedback isn’t useful at all at this stage.

The change is 100% happening no matter how many posts you make.

that is not what the Blue post stated

blizzard will be taking feedback from players on both sides and determining if they want to allow GDKPs to return.

You conveniently removed the part where they will revisit it LATER in the season.

Not today, or before the 8th.


You think I didn’t see your edit.

This is called PR my little guy. You say that to make people believe they care about you.
They care about facts: does it work or not

does the blue post say anything about restricting feedback until February 8th?

Does the blue post say they will change it before the 8th?

No, it specifically says LATER IN THE SEASON.

Which you deleted from the quote so you don’t look bad.

and if the facts show restriction doesn’t work, GDKPs will return.