On the subject of Windfury & Wild Strikes

I’ve seen some discussion here on the struggles to find a sufficient number of Feral Druids for the Wild Strikes buff in raids on the Alliance side. The proposed solution has been to extend the ability to bring a Windfury/Wild Strikes effect to another class, but much debate has been had over which class should get it. I wanted to toss in a specific suggestion that I haven’t seen.

To say it directly: I propose that Hunters be able to find a skill book that improves their “Aspect of the Wild” ability to grant a Windfury/Wild Strikes effect.

For reference, Aspect of the Wild currently reads as follows:

Aspect of the Wild (Rank 2): “The hunter and group members within 30 yards take on the aspect of the wild, increasing Nature resistance by 60. Only one Aspect can be active at a time.”

The new skill book would read something like:

Improved Aspect of the Wild Book: “Improves your Aspect of the Wild, causing the hunter and affected group members to gain [Windfury/Wild Strikes effect]. No effect if the party member is already benefiting from Windfury Totem or Wild Strikes.”

Aspect of the Wild bringing granting a Windfury/Wild Strikes effect would do a few things:

  1. Melee Hunters would get an aspect that directly improves their melee damage. They currently don’t have something that fulfills this role.
  2. Melee Hunters would help fill a critical role in melee groups by bringing this buff. Feral Druids tend to be rare relative to melee hunters in my experience, and this should make it easier to build well-rounded raid groups, especially on the Alliance side.
  3. The timing of switching to other aspects in combat will become a little more important for melee hunters. I see this as a potentially interesting interaction.

Hunters lack a meaningful aspect to use to enhance melee damage. If AotW provided Windfury/Wild Strikes, this would offer a clear option to fill that missing component of the Hunter’s kit.

I know there have been some talk about Paladins specifically being enabled to bring the Windfury effect, but I’m not fond of the idea because Paladins already need to juggle seals, blessings, and auras. Where would a windfury effect go that feels good to use? All three of these effects already have well-explored and useful options.

Hunters by contrast have a pretty clear deficiency that could be adequately addressed by Aspect of the Wild offering this effect, and you dodge concerns of favoritism to one faction or another by adding the effect to Paladins since Hunters are fairly poplar on both factions.

For the Horde, Hunters bringing a Windfury effect frees up Shamans to use other Air totems. For the Alliance, Melee Hunters become an asset in building powerful melee groups.

Because the effect is a book, you can safely assume that every melee hunter will bring the effect because it would be their only Aspect that improves melee damage. This is currently a pain-point for bear form druids who have to choose between their dedicated tanking rune and a team-wide DPS rune.

  1. I think if there’s gonna be another WF, it should be a rune, and it should be on the rogue’s chest.

Can you explain this??

(Gifting Windfury to classes who use 2H is a bit busted. WF is a LOT stronger on 2H weapons than 1H or kitty paws. That being why Druids got it in the first place.)

IMO Rogues are a decent option too, but I’d worry about giving Rogues consistent access to WF/WS way more than I’d worry about Hunters getting consistent access to it.

Editing mistake, I’ll fix that.

The basic gist is that Hunters lack a meaningful aspect to use as melee, and if AotW provided Windfury/Wild Strikes that would fill that need.

Eh, getting Windfury’d by a Hunter’s Ashkandi is a lot more scary than getting Windfury’d by a rogue’s Dragonfang Blade

I can see filling that hole with something. (Maybe put that big Melee AP buff on that Aspect of the Wild instead of just adding it to Lion.)

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I think that scary burst is balanced out by how the lack of gap-closers Hunters have right now. Can’t really say the same about most other classes, but I won’t pretend to be a PvP expert, so if that’s really a concern I’m happy to abdicate that point.

In a PvP context, the argument that that 2H classes should have a harder time accessing Windfury makes sense to me, but I do feel it’s easily circumvented by a little forethought in group planning. A warrior that simply exists next to a feral druid or windfury totem would be much scarier than the Hunter could ever hope to be by virtue of he sheer amount of attack power they can stack up.

I forgot to address this: I’d agree here, but conditionally. As a Bear tank it can you’re almost actively griefing your team if you don’t run Wild Strikes (assuming no other source in your group), but you want to run your tank rune. If this proposed rune was the only good option (say, for melee hunters in that slot), it being a rune makes sense. Rogues already have a few REALLY important runes on just about every slot. I’m sure you could shuffle things around, but I see that as a bigger ask than something like Aspect of the Wild getting the effect baseline. Aspects are inherently mutually exclusive, and I see interesting questions about how to use your Aspects arising from this effect that simply don’t show up for other classes.

At the end of the day I’m not really married to this specific application of expanding Windfury to another class, just so long as the problems surrounding the pain of herding (feral) cats for every raid are addressed, especially as Alliance.

Frost or Freezing Trap in combat on 15 sec CD
Concussive Shot (Pet Stun if you’re still BM)
and if they’re not in danger or being hit, they can run 30-39 Cheetah anywhere.

Yeah, admittedly I’m a bit more spiteful as my class is built around WF and nobody else is so it has no boost for me, and a large boost for them…and now it’s being passed around like candy by comparison.

I’d put it on rogues on the chest to make them choose between Deadly Brew (the free double poisons that aren’t exclusive with WF or Sharpening stone) and the Windfury.

A bit of a poisoned chalice for Dagger rogues, and something pretty strong for Sword rogue.

I agree.

Honestly the simple solution would be to make it a book. (Yes, I’m aware it’s counter to my suggest to rogue, but this would be instead of giving it to the rogue.)

So Bears, Cats, Birds, and Trees could all supply it, just like Enhance, Resto, and Ele can all do.
Maybe just have the 20% bonus AP be upgraded to 25% AP if they’re in cat form.

Instead of Aspect of the Wild it should be Aspect of the Beast, as aspect of the wild does have it’s uses in pve and very rarely in pvp. Aspect of the Beast which only makes it so you can’t be traced would be a better aspect to receive some sort of melee damage buff be it wf, or an aspect for melee hunter.

Just make it raid wide. Oh! and people just forgot that we no longer have access to grace of air since Blizzard decided to remove horn and give nothing in place.


Way too busted in PvP.

Yeah, you had the better version of our totem, but because it didn’t stack with the raid-wide AP buff Paladins already had…nobody used it.

And it was replaced by adding a cracked out version of healing stream totem to Consecration.

nope it’s only 20 yd.

Nobody used because it was in the same slot as SoM and DS.

  1. It’s 30 yards. (That’s a 60 yard diameter…) That’s 10 yards farther than Shaman unless they wasted 10 points in the resto tree to get the totem range with the 11th.
  2. That’s moving with the paladin…so you don’t have to spend GCDs moving it.
  3. It’s literally the wrath version of SoE totem. (2-in1)

Just never got used.

What were your holy pallies using?

Pretty sure unless they were just morons, they got to run around with an always on, never having to be relocated Strength of Earth, Grace of Air, and Tremor Totem…which Shammies can’t actually do, (Can’t have SoE and Tremor at the same time.) for cheaper mana cost and a lot fewer GCDs…

It not getting used seems to be an alliance problem.

20 yd.

holy paladin has no spot in a melee group with how competitive it gets to be in the wf group. But you don’t care obviously because it’s alliance problem.

Ah, yeh, I was thinking of the stronger, better, WotLK SoE totem you wouldn’t use.

  1. I’m talking about PvP.
  2. Booo ******** hoo.
    The only way Shamans got to raid in every other iteration of vanilla classic is being a resto shaman dropping WF in the melee group…

(Could’ve also had a Ret pally bite the bullet on SoM and go SoC, taking HoL for the group… do you think WF totem does anything for Shaman? Even as Enhance, we still gimp ourselves out of Grace of Air’s 3-4% crit to drop WF for the other melee.)

You could’ve done it, quite easily. You didn’t, and that’s a you problem, not a me problem.

imagine thinking that consecration rune is a healing stream totem, each word you say in forums about paladin It’s worse than the previous one, the shamans owe us a buff and it’s windfury.

Why give WF to another class that horde can bring? giving wf to paladins make it 2 vs 2 and problem solved.

And i’m talking about wild strikes becoming raid wide not the totem.

Yeah… and that would be silly levels of broken, particularly in PvP.

1 Kitty in the BG and the whole base fight has Windfury that doesn’t even need to replace/relocate it self? (Hell, they could just stealth and not even be targetted.)


Everytime you say something I wonder if you really play SoD. Melees are so bad in pvp they are not even worth the totem drop.

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Another issue with it being only accessed by ferals in pvp is the fact they usually take the tank rune.

Storm is tunnel visioning so hard against alliance he doesnt realise horde also have ferals, and a raid wide buff would mean he could drop agi totems again.

This kind of logic is the worst.

“Melees have it rough in PvP so let’s make sure if one side gets a feral, that the other side’s melee’s are entirely screwed.”

Let me as you this… would you be okay with Raidwide WS, if it meant Windfury Totem was also raid wide?

  1. Maybe try reading, there weren’t even that many responses in this thread?

So if druids/feral such a guarantee for both sides, then you wouldn’t mind Windfury totem becoming raid wide too?

There’s a reason Blizzard made it a party buff to begin with, even on the feral druid in Phase 1…

Why isn’t anyone suggesting they just make feral druid good so more people will play it?