My brother in Elune, you are drastically overanalyzing this in every possible way.
giving alliance void elves was a mistake… give you guys an inch and you take a mile.
yeah… I posted in both places? I made a new account because I prefer not to have a live reddit account because of the Doom Scroll tendency
I do not understand why this is seen as trolling? I like WoW Lore, I wanted to share my findings, and I did so on two (well, Tumblr too, so three) platforms. I like linguistics and anthropology and this silly lil game we both play, and in both this, the Reddit thread, and the subsequent comments, I thought that I had had explained my reasoning clearly. Including extrapolations, I built all of this based on my findings in the game (and in meta-textual materials like wowwiki) and so I believe it is all based in live and real WoW lore? Please let me know where it is not based off lore / I have not given an explanation for it? I would genuinely enjoy it (it would help me better any theories / headcanons)
Omg make it stop! JFC it’s enough already.
The only option present is possibly the new pink skin tone. The other potential option appears in the new world tree, Bel’Ameth. Archmage Mordent Evenshade has a new model and is in the area of the world tree for the portals to all the other major night elven spots throughout Azeroth. Maybe in a “.5” type of patch, but surely soon if we do end up uniting the most of the elves in some shape or form in the future expac Midnight, we’ll see the new eye color for us.
Some of the elves around him have new blue eyes. They are not like the current ones, more so like the if the blind eye option had a proper light blue muted tint. These NPC’s are labeled Shen’dralar Highborne within the game right now. They have important lore tied to them, but were present in BFA and DF recently. With the current trend of renewal and walking back some prejudices, I wouldn’t be surprised if we get the new eye color in the future if the community asks enough.
They’re stay High Elves.
Why would they change? They didn’t do anything drastic like eat Fel or Void.
Until Yrel shows up and Lightbinds them!
Yrel still looked Draenei. Not even Lightforged.
Yrel did nothing wrong either. Grom and his followers had it coming for what they did in WoD.
Did I say she did wrong? No. That’s why the elves will embrace her and her Light powers.
So, I’m not a big connoisseur of the Warcraft lore, but Blood Elves are already Light Elves.
As far back as TBC, Blood Elves transitioned from feeding on the Fel, to feeding on the Sunwell, which contains Light magic.
Their whole storyline involves going back to the Light after the atrocities performed on the Naaru they held hostage.
That’s why they got golden eyes options as customization.
Blood Elves children born right now would probably have golden eyes, not Fel green.
So, giving the Alliance “Light Elves” would be yet another robbing of an Horde’s race identity just to appease the Alliance elves fans.
But… High Elves have no reason to. They are trying to find ways to get away from blind devotion and addiction which is what they hated about the Blood Elves.
I think Yrel is what’s to come in midnight. We’ve seen what the light is truly capable of doing.
There are subtle lore hints with the light naturally fading to void, the light forcefully enacting it’s will, etc.
Once the light turns its eyes away from those orcs in that time line, who knows who’s next in that time line or others. Same for Turalyon when the time comes to battle the big void…
“The light has made a pact with the enemy of all.” (the enemy of all possibly being order)
“The golden one claims a vacant throne . The crown of *light will bring only darkness.” (the golden one possibly being Turalyon)
I would love to see Yrel return.
She may find her way again when she meets us once more and saw that we beat the Sargeras in our timeline without going full fanatic.
We can fix her and get our Yrel back.
If they do introduce Yrel again, I hope so too. With Elisande making an appearance for the Tyr’s Guard quest line, I wouldn’t be surprised if we make other timely endeavors.
The WoW devs are cooking up a storm… the titans using the light to combat most cosmological forces, a huge light crystal plunged deep into Azeroth regarding the War Within expac, the mystery of Elune and the cosmological force she’s truly associated with, the introduction of the light within the shadowlands (pelagos’ new crown and the light invasion in revendreth)…
We are in for a treat when it comes to learning more about the light and its not so pleasant side.
This conversation is why we burnt down your tree. Elves are insufferable.
Just sayin’
Dude, did you really name your fanfic race after yourself?
Nobody cares about this but a minority group. No Pandaren- or Drak’thyr-player makes such a ruckus but only people, who want to play themselves in beautiful.
Pandaren and Drak’thyr are, since the start, multi faction races. I don’t see what your point is.
Blood Elf-players are just people, who need to feel special with their barbie doll designs, which is why it’s such a sacrilege to make the design also available to the Alliance-players, who have rightfully a claim on it.
And that’s only besides the point. Blizzard agreed with the players and gave them access to High and Blood Elf-colors. Alliance is the only faction who can dress their dolls in three variations, making them automatically the better player race by default.
And as it was pointed out, players can negate the racial effect and make them look like regular fighting High Elves.
Lol, that’s some cheap TV level psychology/sociology.
If a game has 2 factions opposing each other, with different races, you don’t give one of the races from one faction to the other, it’s common sense. And if you do, at least give something similar to the other side.