(On Sight) 15 Skilled/geared players LF guild merge (alliance) for 25 man and upcoming SSC

Sup guys, so we have 15 competent and geared players that actively raid, hdungeon, and pvp. We are several short of a 25 man and are looking for guilds/ group of wow friends that are in somewhat the same predicament. We are chill for the most part and slightly toxic when comically applicable. If you want to look up gear on some of our characters you can look us up on warcraft logs @ Prugal-Faerlina, Suessi-Faerlina, Geckoyo-Faerlina. (On Sight) We are 11/11 Kara and several of us have already done mags and gruuls on the side. Hit me up and lets talk if you’re interested. Can be reached on here or online as Geckoyo/Bakeryo Feralina [A]