On racial abilities

I know “Change is Bad” but I wanted to ask. Does anyone sometimes feel that they should be removed across the board? That they ultimately do more harm for class fantasy then help? Or am I over thinking the stupidest thing imaginable and should just “Get over it” as the FOMO lovers like to say?

I’d be cool if racials were turned into cosmetic things only

I know the dps difference between racials are minimal at best, but there are still the people will see a 37 dps gap and feel compelled to pick the better one


I mean people will still do that with character starting stats. Racials just seems to add another layer to it.

I think some racial should honestly be a bit more fine-tuned, but being honest… some just seem absolutely pointless, so either updating them, making everything cosmetic-y, or just getting rid of them might be best.

dwarf op. no changes

How? Not seeing an argument for them “doing harm” to anything.

Maybe I want to go Tauren Warrior, but then I have a racial at has me better at picking flowers. And then you got Blood Elf and Nightborne with their magic only racials so physical classes are kind of a waste.

Biggest thing I wish is that we had racial options.

Maybe I wanna be a Ztroll but use normal troll racial. If the racials “barely matter,” then why shouldn’t I be able to be whatever I want for the animations and pick the racial I want too?

It’s similar to the problem with covenants but to a far lesser degree. It’s making us make a decision on both aesthetics and performance, and those who value both will rarely be satisfied.

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Agreed, remove all racials tied to performance

leave my shadowmeld alone

In fact, I think we should all have more than 1 ability…


If anything, I agree, the races should be more distinct overall. I know people have this real world view of racial homogeneity that they want to project onto the game but it doesn’t really make sense for a troll to not have differences from a moo-cow.

Shadowmeld needs to activate 30sec CD on trinket just like will of the forsaken / stone blood / fire blood as they all incur a CD on trinket use.

Shadowmeld re stealth ferals / rogues have a HUGE advantage and have no penalty for choosing to use it.

Ok, ill bite what is FOMO🤷🏽‍♀️

“Fear of Missing Out”
Popular thing where you have this limited time thing (which some doesn’t really make sense.) Only available for say an Expansion and if you weren’t around during that you’ll never have it yourself.

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Fear of missing out. I guess the sweatiest of min/maxing 1% of players crowd has feelings of regret when they don’t pick the right racials to get 10 more dps out of their class.

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Racials should matter more, and less race/class combos is better. Make the character creation screen matter instead of just being skins. It’s supposed to be a rpg after all.


I mean, I feel like starting with an extra 2 strength does equal significantly less than the racials

True but you know some min/maxer will argue till they are blue in the face that the extra 2 strength “Makes all the difference!”

don’t worry what FOMO means. they just slam this word to describe anything that blizz does these days


Oh yeah, the absolute top tier of min/max would fight over that

But most dps rankings and bloodmallet don’t have an area listing base race dps difference, just the racial difference so alotta the playerbase wouldn’t know