On Lilian Voss';

Missed opportunity in 9.1 to just having certain characters from Azeroth just standing around in these locations. Not actually doing anything. Just standing there. Maybe in random locations on different days.
Let players’ imaginations run wild.

Where do you get this? Not arguing, just curious. The only curse I’m aware of in Tirisfal is the one because of the Old Gods.

No hard lore. They just look extremely similar to me. The muted green, blue and violet countryside. The faint fog / mist. Mysterious glowing eyes peeking out of foliage. A giant bat, spider population. Darkhounds. And those sin runners look remarkably similar to the strange hell horses the Deathguard rode around on early in Vanilla.

I was glad to see those in Classic. I’d thought I’d Mandela effected myself because I was so convinced they use to ride something else. The game did update them to be the more appropriate skeletal horses but I always did wonder what the hell those things were. Because they looked similar to the Warlock mount but were very distinctly different.

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This is pure speculation, but I believe it’s several things.

  1. I’m fairly sure the Forsaken fanbase was just smaller to begin with. Not that this should be interpreted as a strike against them in any fashion, but with fewer people it just wasn’t as possible to make as much noise.
  2. Blizzard’s own narrative direction beat them down pretty ferociously and cast them very hard in the villains’ light in BfA. There were many instances of the Forsaken being painted as evil, which was a much harder place to argue from than righteous indignation.
  3. Blizzard has basically subsequently ignored the Forsaken and given them effectively zero development except to strip their leadership from them. I can only imagine that this has been incredibly demoralizing to Forsaken fans.
  4. Unfortunate though it may be, Blizzard very successfully divided the Horde against itself with BfA. Though Alliance players could all more or less complain with a single voice, the Horde was notably divided into pro- and anti-Sylvanas camps, with the anti-Sylvanas Horde players also being notably unsympathetic to the Forsaken. I recall seeing this trend near the end of BfA and it was very disheartening to see.

One side stayed on-message for years and was able to muster a considerable campaign of discontent. One side basically fought against itself and drove the victimized faction of players largely out of the lore discussion and in some cases out of the game entirely.

Again, this is all personal speculation, so take it with a grain of salt, but it’s my best take on why the current lack of Forsaken voices came to be.


Yup. I can scarcely imagine the absolute hellworld it must be to try to champion the Forsaken on Twitter, which itself is a hellworld all the time.

Even here I can’t tell you the amount of time I’ve spent disabusing outlandish notions put forth by people who have never touched Forsaken content but sure do have some hot takes about it. And half the time they seem to be RPing a prosecutor at The Hauge. Because the sorts of people who’ve never seen actual horrors seem to think liking cartoon ghoul dudes and collaborating with Hitler’s Germany is basically the same thing.


See, my pet theory is that the Alliance is never touched in a negative fashion, so when they got the barest touch of what we get almost every (if not literally every) expansion, they all cried out in unison.

It doesn’t help that you occasionally get someone dancing into the topic to go “you know what you signed up for when you played the evil faction” to downplay both sides and being largely unable to argue against that because despite the story saying otherwise, you’re almost only seeing that play out when the horde’s trying to self-rebuke.


Lillian is probably the best character left to lead the Forsaken, other then maybe Velonara. Natty Blight would have been the default choice, buuuuut… Here we are.

I’m pretty much in agreement. Lilian and the Forsaken need some interaction with each other in order to sell her new status. So far, she’s so new to the faction it’s just jarring that she’s in control and no one had an issue with it. It reeks of trying to avoid the Darkspear issue by just slotting someone in the spot without actually preparing them for the role.

Shadowlands seems like a natural fit for the Forsaken to learn more about ‘true’ death and the true function of necromancy. But, sadly that’s not a story Blizzard wants to tell. The kicker? Her dad is in the maw, his spirit was actually implemented. AND LILIAN IS NOWHERE!


Christ I can’t think of a metaphor that’s more on the nose than that. I don’t even know why you’d bring him up if you weren’t going to involve Voss.

I guarantee you a good chunk of the playerbase probably thinks that guy was an old Scarlet Monastery boss or something. Without Voss there to jog their memories you’d be forgiven for not remembering the bad guy from a starter zone quest from a decade ago.

I can’t tell you the name of the Sea Witch from Echo Isles off the top of my head. Or the Burning Blade head Warlock in that cave near Bladefist Bay. I only know who this guy is in a vacuum because I’ve an obsession with the Forsaken.


Oh my god they really put her dad there without Lilian herself?

wait actually what is he even doing there? He died waaaay before the Maw started sucking everyone up. Makes me think Blizzard just looked at a list of dead characters when implementing NPCs and didn’t give it much thought.


The kicker for me is they just introduced a (much needed imho) leveling revamp. So unless new and returning players happened to pick Cataclysm and happened to go to Tirisfal - they’re going to have no God damn idea who that is.

Involving him without Lilian is just incoherent storytelling. I’m about at my limit for their ceaseless, thundering stupidity .


To be fair he was absolute scum, effectively molding his daughter into a living weapon, and then ordering her to be killed once she became too dangerous. His soul is as black as tar, and I think that is what condemns a soul to the maw, not necessarily how grave their actions.

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Someone as awful as Garrosh only went to Revendreth though. The Maw seems to be for people who are an active universal threat, not just bad people.

Don’t get me wrong he is a horrific person but given we have a “world-reaver” in Revendreth too, Benedictus doesn’t seem Maw material.


Perhaps because there is the potential that he could not be awful. But what if a soul was devoid of that possibility? That no matter what, they would remain a monster, and thus allways a threat? Benedictus could easily have fallen into that category. Of course, i’m just trying to come up with reasons as to why a soul would end up in the maw in the first place.

But it does seem like characters devoid of any good ends up there, such as thermplug, and apparently Benedictus.

If anything, he just won’t repent.

Hey worgo <3 :snake::snake::snake:

Look, don’t try and convince me that I should like something, and I won’t call you names. Deal?

I just can’t see that cinematic as anything as a loss. And I don’t see why you think it is anything but. And it’s frustrating to be denied catharsis yet again, in what has been going on for too long. Sorry for lashing out.

Alternatively (and more frightening if you think about it too long), someone couldn’t reform in time before running out of anima. Theoretically it should be possible for someone to be salvageable, but you’re just not moving along quickly enough before your usefulness in Revendreth runs out. Or maybe the vampires decide you’re not worth the extended effort.

Well we do see Revendreth toss out souls that refuse to reform. The Accuser at least seems to have only spared Kael’Thas that fate because of his torture at the hands of Sire Denathrius. So he gets some slack. Doubt Benedictus got the same deal and was probably tossed.

But really I kinda don’t care why he’s here. Because I’m too confused why Voss isn’t.

I was busy with a funeral on launch day, and my laptop died yesterday and is still being repaired in a shop. So I was actually quite annoyed I couldn’t play WoW as I do think the core gameplay really is excellent and wanted to try the new content. But damnit if this insult hasn’t cooled my jets.

I don’t think so, because the venthyr could just put you in a cage until they have time to deal with you. Time isn’t an issue in the shadowlands, and the venthyr at least seems dedicated to their work, even the bad ones.

Well she isn’t dead for one, and while technically she could have jumped into the maw alongside the rest of us to find her father, she almost certainly doesn’t know where he is. And even if she did know, I don’t think she’d care. She severed any bonds she had with him when she severed his neck.

Time’s not the issue; your anima reserves are. We’re treated to an example of this early on when sins are meant to be purged by literally pulling them out of you along with your drained anima, so you need to be juiced like a fruit in order to get rid of it. That one spirit ends up damned mainly because his deadtime deadline was artificially moved up, but he really was on his way to being reformed before you help ruin him.