{On Hold} - [H] The Thraze'Ai - A Loa-Worshipping Mercenary Tribe (RP/RP-PVP/RP-PVE)

The Other Side, a realm of the beyond. So close, yet ever so far. A realm only truly seen during glimpses, brushes with death. Brushes with death were as a gateway to the beyond, granting its welcoming embrace. But it is not the end, for true Trolls never fade entirely. They stand ready to meet Ol’ Bwonsamdi, and meet him they shall.

But, the figure contemplated as he strode across the rough earth of Durotar, for some it may not be time to face Death. For some, it may be time for a return. In his absence, the war with the Alliance had come to an end. Even with one threat being no more, however, many threats still remain. And the Loa… Oh, they will seek their tributes, in turn. Perhaps it was time, then. The figure grinned, half to himself as he turned down into the Valley of Spirits.

“As de Bladed Ones march, de souls be floodin’ te de Ot’er Side…”


The cycle ever continues. Fate shall find a way as evolution progresses. Although the Jakaro Loa has since melded into the Horde proper, there are always some aspects that live on, in the ‘next life’! And thus, the Thraze’Ai was born!

We are a Troll/Vulpera-based heavy-RP ‘mercenary tribe’. As with a Jakaro Loa, we are still most certainly Horde-aligned - but that also said, we do accept Trolls from all tribes (minus Blood Trolls/Blood cultists), and even the Vulpera this time around! So long as the Troll and Vulpera honour and swear loyalty to the Horde and the Loa, they will always have a home amongst the Bladed Ones!

Presently, we are looking for those interested in RP and PVP, as well as having a genuine interest in the lore surrounding the mysteries of the Loa. If you’ve got the interest but don’t quite have the knowledge just yet, don’t worry! We’re more than willing to help out! We accepted beginners and experienced alike.

In terms of progression, we won’t be heaving a heavy focus on ranks, instead opting to keep it nice and simple. To begin with, the Outsider stands as a trial rank of sorts. It gives you a chance to get to know the Tribe and to meet us ICly to bring you in proper! Thus, after a one week trial and an IC introduction, you will be brought into the fold as a Newblood.

Throughout time and RPs, the Newblood may ascend to the roles of Loa-Sworn - the primary body of our guild. All of our tribemates are respected members of the Thraze, and the Loa-Sworn is no exception. They are welcome to partake in or create any events and RPs for their fellow members, as well! After all, the Hunt calls us all, not just some!

Likewise, the Watchers and the Overseers stand as the initial and veteran ranks for officers in the guild. One could think of them as a moderator and an admin, respectively. Working as one, we will ensure that the day-to-day life of the guild runs nice and smoothly, and that it is a fun and drama-free experience for any and all interested!

Finally, in terms of requirements on transmog or mounts, we like to keep things relatively simple. So long as they are fitting the role, we will welcome them completely! (For instance, Heart of the Aspects mount might not fit the best, but a wyvern, bat, wolf, raptor, or any of the many others most certainly would!) Likewise, the only thing we really request is that our members have IC-fitting names, or are willing to use addons such as TRP3 to give themselves names that would fit the character.

Apart from that, if anyone’s interested in joining up with the Thraze’Ai, or would like to learn more about our little family, feel free to post any questions below, to contact me under the name of Zalaaji via /whisper or mail, or send a DM on Discord under the name of Taveri#1967! I’ll gladly answer any questions and help out as best I can.

May de Loa guide ya axes an’ spears, bruddahs an’ sistahs! An’ may de spirits watch ya backs!

Cool idea, but what relation do Vulpera have with Loa or trolls for that matter?

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To summarise a long story short, it revolves around a concept a friend and I were talking about back when we were hosting the Jakaro Loa. Zandalar is a region just saturated with the will of the Loa and their energies. The Trolls worship the Loa, the Sethrak were known to worship at least one Loa, the Tortollans have been known to pretty much revere at least two Loa, and even the Blood Trolls with all of their G’huun worship opted to corrupt the Loa before trying to kill them.

As it stands presently, the Vulpera were the only group on all of Zandalar to not have any confirmed stance one way or another. It could potentially be associated with their distance from the other cultures, but in the present day, even those barriers are falling down, given their growing ties with the Zandalari Empire and the Horde proper. With the Loa not just being an idea, but actually being seen, their voices heard, and their actions felt, it sparked the idea.

Many Vulpera may not necessarily worship the Loa, but there’s always the chance for the individual to grow towards them with the reasons stated above. So, after a bit of consideration and conversation, decided to keep it open to them. With the different aspects of their culture, I thought it could perhaps be a fun concept! A Vulpera scout that worships Shadra, wandering the deserts as he listens for secrets. A Vulpera hunter, worshipping Kimbul as she hunts her prey within the deserts. And, of course, there’s always Jani and any other Loa in between that might fit their culture, heh.

But yeah. Waffling aside, I hope that answers your question!

Vulpera’s patron Loa should be Jani. Change my mind

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Heh, why change your mind? Some may say that they’re Saurid-people in disguise!

All jokes aside, I could totally see it. Jani is the Loa of the downtrodden, and one who puts an emphasis on ‘one person’s trash is another’s treasure’. With the Vulpera having been enslaved by the Sethrak, as well as with their own emphasis on salvage to survive, he would be an awesome fit for the Vulpera. In my own guess, I could see Jani, Shadra, Kimbul, Pa’ku, Hi’reek, Akunda, and perhaps Sethraliss to a degree being prime candidates for the Vulpera.

Remind me to throw a troll your way sometime. Alternatively just keep posting your events and plans here and on the discord. I miss some troll love will bring my old rag tag Watha veteran around for your things, when I got the time :grimacing:

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Heh, ever can be the struggle with time, for sure. Good luck! But yeah. Will do, and hope to see you all around again - it’s been way too long!

Welcome! Excited to see this! Hope to see you guys out in the world soon! :slight_smile:

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Thank you! And hopefully quite soon, indeed!