On Brand Achievement bug

I am sure a lot us are experiencing this On Brand achievement bug when it comes to Brand having acquired Relics that are higher level than 1/4. I have both the Zekvir relic and the Amorphous Relic above the 1/4 initial and I have not received the On Brand achievement. Those are the only two remaining ‘grayed out’ in my achievement log.

I have seen a few topics of this already but I am spreading more awareness. I submitted a ticket to Blizz and all I got was an automated response to check the forums. Yeah. Nothing has been answered here or online anywhere.

They suggested create a ticket in the support forum through the automated response so I guess we gotta keep nagging them to fix this.


Same issue here - I have all criteria for this achievement except for Relicblood of Zekvir. I received this curio as a Rank 4/4 epic version (did not have any version of it previously) and this achievement did not trigger for my character.

Exact same thing. I have every one done except Relicblood of Zekvir, which I did get at 4/4 and it remains grey in the achievement.

Same issue here have all relics but the Amorphous and Relicblood are not showing credit.

I had Zekvir invade the delve I was in and dropped the Relicblood of Zekvir for me. I learned it and it didn’t pop the achievement for me. The Achievement appears to be bugged atm.

Same thing, Zekvir dropped the last curio I needed for the On Brand Achievement, at a 4/4 too so I cant get it to drop again. I just want the silly achievement

Same thing here, 4/4 Zekvir curio.

Adding my name into this hat. Received a 3/4 in an invaded Pits this morning, and it’s the only one not counting towards the achievement.

Out of curiosity, has anyone at all received a 1/4 Relicblood and if so, did it count or did it not? I’m half wondering if the achievement criteria flagging is set to count the acquisition of 1/4 curios only.

Same here. I have a 2/4 Porcelain Arrowhead Idol and 4/4 Relicblood of Zekvir, neither counted

Edit: This now appears to be fixed