On Blizzards list?

Anyone ever wonder if you complained on the forums or something once upon a time and you got put on some list you don’t know about and that’s why you never get any of the low drop rate mounts even after trying 100’s of times?

There’s no way I’ve been farming Ashes of Al’ar this long and still don’t have it after all these years trying on several characters every week there has to be something going on here.

I’m sorry Blizzard give me the mount and I’ll say only nice things lol


/moo :cow:


I think that tinfoil hat you’re wearing is cutting off the blood from getting to your head.


I’m obviously kidding

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I have found that complaining on the forums helps my drop rate. Almost like they are giving me something to I will shut up.


My tin foil hat fits comfortably and is in the proper position! Thank you very much!

…i’m always worried my bad ideas have made it ingame. :robot::sweat_drops:

edit: Looking back, I believe I was the one offering the Desolate Council and Calia for leadership (and I still like the idea). Likely i’m not making any undead friends. :world_map::robot:


Most of them don’t even read the official forums.