On Behalf of New / Returning Players (and guides). .

Hi. I’m a guide in the mentor system. It’s been a learning experience.

A lot of things are broken. Please fix them. We guides do our best, having to find out by our own research (and anecdotal information) and trying to explain them to the Newcomers and any solution there might be to their issues.

I found out that BfA leveling has changed, but some of the old hold-overs are in place. There is still a QUEST that sends players to the Scouting map . . . only to have NOTHING ON IT they can do. Looking through forums and Reddits, I found that a new player always starts in Tirigarde, and then at 25 opens up Drustvar and then at 35. Stormsong. Would be nice for both new / returning players to KNOW this and also, handy for guides. Maybe remove the quest or not have it activate till they can ACTUALLY START THE QUESTS and add a tooltip explaining this if necessary.

I found out that quite a few people taking boats to some coastal place ENDS UP IN HILLSBRAD FOOTHILLS, not too close to any flight points. If I see it happen (through chat) and am going to hang out for awhile and not in the middle of something, I will port myself to Dalaran Crater and port them to SW or Boralus or where they were trying to go. But I’m not always there and when I am, I’m often doing something. Why is this still broken?

Also, a tutorial might be added on how to do emotes. I’ve made a macro to teach players how to do /wave, so they can wave to the nice Ogre and get the quest done. But there are times when guides aren’t available or are busy. Also, a tutorial on how to change chat channels would be helpful. God knows, the tutorrial nags people I don’t know how many times to equip new gear (even if it’s not as good as their heirlooms, as many returning players reroll and start fresh) or points out that they have a new SPELL. Maybe practice moving from one channel to another would be great.

Also, a clear explanation of how the Newcomer chat works would also be great. From what I found out over the past months and again, this is anecdotal, a new player must play 30 hours in order to leave Newcomer chat. That should be written somewhere.

It might also be helpful for actual developers (not just CMs or GMs) to sit in on some of the Newcomer chat channels. They can see what is and isn’t working in the game. If I, as a player, see the same issue over and over, might be helpful TO THE BLIZZARD TEAM to observe the game through the experiences of actual new or returning player.

Also, and I’ve written this before, please bring back the Leadership forums and we can include guides as well. The guild and raid leadership forums were some of the best forums I’ve seen in the WoW Forums. Would be nice if guides could share their own experiences and things that they’ve learned, with each other.

Everything you say is true and I’m glad someone said it.
The game has gotten very convoluted and sometimes, even guides don’t know the answer because guides have already gone past it (for example all my chars are above bfa now) and they might not know the retroactive changes.

That said, Blizzard doesn’t read this side of the forums. You should use the suggestion feedback or copy paste this thread to the general discussion forum where it’ll be visible.

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Ahh OK. Thank you.

That’s a shame. Just like Newcomer chat, reading questions New / Returning players have could be enlightening, whereas General is a mish-mash of arguments, “look at my mog,” and whatnot.

I have put in a suggestion (possibly two since I wasn’t sure if I had) on these kinds of topis through in-game. I would think making the game more welcoming to Newcomers (aside from having guides) would be a good goal. I would hope that they would care as much or more than, their volunteer guides do!!

i haven’t heard of this, but if it’s happening, it sounds like it should be reported as a bug

isn’t this done in Exiles Reach?
i could have sworn that there was a thing in there which teaches players how to emote.

can’t this can be disabled via the UI?

Yes and no. There’s a quest where the goal is to emote at an NPC, but it doesn’t tell you exactly how to do it. Having him targetted specifically. At least a few times during any given day I’ll see the following almost word for word.

/4 Newcomer Chat Newplayerxxgod: wave
/4 Newcomer Chat Newplayerxxgod: wave to Gor’groth
/4 Newcomer Chat Newplayerxxgod: wtf

At which point one or more guides step in to point them in the right direction. :stuck_out_tongue: