On Anduin's Mourneblade?

Would it be a safe assumption that we’ll get Anduin back on our side in the next patch or 9.3(lol I know), and he’ll use that blade to cut the Arbiter’s Essence back out from the Jailer?

They kinda set it up when he cut out the Primus’s Sigil.

It follows that the blade has that kind of power, so Anduin will embrace and willing use the domination power to steal Zoval’s power, or the soul/power controlling Anduin (ie speculative Arthas) might make a move?

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Would sure be nice if they even told us what makes a Mourneblade different from a normal runeblade


The only thing you need to know about it, is that it is a crime that it was not named “Shalamourn”


Yeah this bothers me, and is another case of blizzard just casually retconning something with out realizing it has MAJOR story impact. Because up until now, forstmourn itself, was just a very powerful rune blade that held the soul of people it killed. NOW apparently its a Mourn blade, and thats some how different from a rune blade But they dont give us any actualy information on how/why its different.

Does a specific set of runes turn it into a mourn blade?
Does a Mournblade have to perform a specific function?
Is it how its made?
Whats different?

You know, things that are pretty important to inform us about


Anduin will be perfectly fine (tho probably very sad). It isn’t like Arthas who willingly chose to do evil (and enjoyed the doing of it) Anduin is being remote controlled. We’re going to learn Death Knights can be cured and Anduin can return to being the perfect leader of the Alliance again.


I can tell you where he can stuff that mourneblade.

Somewhere between his gut and brain.

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Get used to disappointment.

A mourneblade is a runeblade that feels sad. Cool, right?

That’s for 9.2, silly.

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My understanding is that a mourneblade uses the forbidden runes of domination while a regular runeblade uses runes that are used in Maldraxxus.

Zovaal tortured the Primus to extract information on how to create the perfect weapons of domination (Frostmourne and the Helm of Domination). As only the Primus knew how to create weapons of domination, mourneblades isn’t something a random runesmith in Maldraxxus can make with their regular runes. So that is where my understanding comes from.

Blizzard probably has tbh. As outlined in my post. Not everything should be spelled out in black and white.


In fairness, Frostmourne was always at least unique from other runeblades in that it was said to be self-aware and whispering to Arthas all the time. So having its own soul could be what sets a “mourneblade” apart from other, non-sentient runeblades.

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Wasn’t that voice Ner’zhul though? Arthas says he hears the voice of Frostmourne, then Mal’ganis said it was the voice of the “dark lord” (aka the Lich King). Which is why Mal’ganis was shocked when Arthas tells him that the voice is saying, “the time for my [Arthas] vengeance has time”.

It kind changed over time. Before Arthas took on the mantle of Lich King, Nerzhul was able to communicate with him through it. But during WotLK, it was established around the Shadowmourne content that once Arthas become Lich King himself, Frostmourne spoke to him with its own distinct voice, instilling a sort of obsessive fixation on the sword that drove him to do things like incorporate facsimiles of its skull crosspiece all over Icecrown Citadel’s design.

The idea being that “Frostmourne hungers” wasn’t just Arthas being dramatically metaphorical about its powers. The blade was in some fashion alive and sentient, and it wanted to consume souls.


From my understanding, it was a combination of Domination Magic, well the unique Runes tied to Domination Magic, and a Powerful soul Fragment.

The Runes allow for Zovaal to speak to, control, or see through the wielder. Depending on which runes.

Forging a Mourne Blade requires the runes, but also a “powerful soul” to “spark it alive.”

In the cinematic, we see Zovaal pull a soul fragment out of his vault and hand it to his blacksmith to place it within the Sword.

I’m pretty sure Ner’zhul’s fragment was tied to Frostmourne, and we are yet to know who’s soul fragment he used on Anduin’s Sword. (If we ever will know)


Nah. DKs use the Maw’s runes. Note the runes of domination all being Frost, Blood, and Unholy for the new gear set up thinger.

Normal runeblades are what your standard Death Knights use. They enable the Death Knight to satisfy his murder needs by drawing from the life essence of those they slay.

Mourneblades are Rune Blades cranked up to another plateau, they can do things such as siphon souls, or in the case of Kingsmourne, Sigils.

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I guess Maw of the Damned and Apocalypse were Mourneblades, 'en.