Omg IF you que for Dungeon

I am sure it was to staple a screen door onto the side of a submarine to prevent water from getting in. :rofl:

Naw mate if I’m not ready I’m not ready.

Sounds like a You Problem.

I used my mom was broke down on the side of the highway to get out of a particularly tedious BRD once.

If you ever wondered why cowboys are so laid back, it’s because they get to release all their stress yeehawing at livestock.

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it happens so frequently anymore ive concluded thats the new way for miserables to troll other players. Had no less than 6 “X didnt accept the invitation” in one run a bit back. lmao.
I’ll just run the AI dungeons and leave it at that, thanks

I feel like it should give you a missed queue protection at least once.

Can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in a queue and then step away to get a drink or let the dogs out, or tuck my son in for bed and then come back to either see 3 seconds left in the timer or that I’ve just been removed.


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should just toss the five players in and if theres a probem the other four can decide to kick the one who hasnt accepted the ‘invite’ lol.

I don’t get it either, ESPECIALLY TANKS.

What are tanks with nearly instant queues going AFK for?

If you’re in a queue for LFR or a heroic or whatever, why not do your best to be ready to enter the dungeon when it pops? I get that bathroom breaks happen, but not to the degree I see DPS declining.

But why the heck are TANKS ever AFK for an instant queue?

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This is why I do LFG as tank. Let that dps sit another 30 minutes. I’ll have cleared 3 dungeons in that time.

You should probably consider going heals now, while LFG dungeons are still faceroll. Get your reps in; get your skills up. They’re like training wheels at this point.

It’s win/win.


Heroics are so trivial now, it’s like trying to learn to drive by playing with Hot Wheels.

Some people are just super chill and unbothered I guess. I’m not one such person.

If I’m going to queue for anything ever, I clear my schedule, ask my husband to watch our son, make sure the pets are all happy and good, double check tracking numbers for any incoming deliveries and then when thats all good I take a bathroom break before I even think about hitting the queue button so I know I won’t have to leave again for a long while.

Then during the actual run I apologize for wipes I didn’t even cause. What can I say? Childhood trauma, you know? :woman_shrugging: