OMGosh! Squeeee! FINALLY! YAY! Goggles are no substitute for the visually impaired aesthetic! Who else out there have been longing for this cosmetic? I mean, if Mishka could have them, why not the rest of us?
Oooooo….PLEASE be a quest line where you have to help her find her glasses and you end up with them as a reward at the end. Could squeeze so many Scooby Doo Easter eggs in about Velma and her glasses… teehee.
on her knees, pleading with the Blizzard developers to take this idea into consideration
I’m kind of laughing because I’ve spent years of RP establishing that Nili wears goggles for bad vision but built them out using engineering and now they’re gemmed up and do all kinds of fancy things, so that they would match the in-game model.
Now there’s just plain glasses. That you could see her eyes through, even, instead of having 90s anime style opacity. After all that, though, she’ll probably just keep using the goggles.
So so SOOOOOOO can not wait to give my big blue boi Draenei a pair!!!
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Yveti, that would be the cutest and most wholesome questline ever.
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I am so excited. I was using the vanilla square goggles model from that old carrot on a stick quest, REJOICE! THE TIME FOR GLASSES IS NOW.
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For one of my other characters, I have this idea that he’s actually visually impaired. And now with glasses becoming a more widely accessible thing, he decides to put some on and realises: “Oh…”
I am so happy to have glasses transmog. My worgen warlock will definitly wear some. (and judging by the preview i made on wowhead dressing room, they dont look too goofy on worgen) so that very nice.
I just hope they wont be event restricted for some awful reason or cost insane amount of ‘‘insert currency here’’ or grind time
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Just gonna post some Mechagnome glasses.
Just gonna say it… optometrist NPC RP character. It’d be fun.
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I can’t wait for this. Probably my fave thing in 9.1
So excited! My Gob’dorei (and a certain cheesey bean) are gonna love them.