I bought months of gametimes, have played since Wrath (yes I have), and bought even the Dragonflights! Why after all these years and years of patches that I remain loyals to you did you not give me Beta?
You give all the elite players beta and all your pet favorites but not me why? Am I not good enough for you?
This isn’t how you should treat loyal customers who love you…
That’s just mean undead Dk guy… wait how can something that was already dead be brought back…
Questions like this is what keeps you out of beta
Doesn’t sound like you want to test, it sounds like you want beta for early access. That’s not what beta is for.
(Coming from someone who has performed testing and still has no beta).
Because blizzard already has your money so no invite
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If that is how they do business then they are wrong!
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Tbh wouldn’t be surprised if they blacklist people who already bought it to try and sell the game to those who haven’t
Don’t even get me started on Worgen DKs.
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It’s Magic, I ain’t gotta explain it
Yup that is why business try to give out samples to get more customers to buy.
Did you opt in?
There’s plenty of time to get an invite.
Remember beta isn’t a trial.
They literally dont.
Every person I personally know that has beta pre-purchased DF.
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You really don’t want to get invited …I did the Cata yearly promise thing which gave me and many others free beta invites for MoP…to this day I totally regretted doing the beta invite for MoP…it ruined the live game for me…never again will I ever beta test again.
Yep I did opt in and it definitely is a trial! I paid and I get to trial mailbox dancing all I want and you can’t stop me.
If that were true, then I wouldn’t have gotten invited.
I tried from original Burning Crusade and just now got my first one ever.
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Congrats I hope you love it!
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Is the opt in the same as the alpha or a different one?
Either way Lord helped them if they do choose me.
After 6 bugs I go back to retail
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