It finally happen they buffed brew by 10% more CB. This is not an april fools joke
So a bit more tanky. I guess this was an easy one since CB is typically gone in a single white hit.
- Brewmaster
- Purified Chi maximum stacks reduced to 6 (was 10) and now increases Celestial Brew’s absorb amount by 35% per stack (was 20%).
That amounts to 210% vs the old 200% and with 4 less stacks. That’s pretty good!
So our shield ramps up faster and absorbs a little more at max
Not to mention for WW this buff that quasi brings back serenity.
- Windwalker
- Ordered Elements now reduces Chi costs by 1 during Storm, Earth, and Fire (was Rising Sun Kick reduces Chi costs during Storm, Earth, and Fire for 7 seconds).
The WW change might be interesting. Our APM just went up more.
Not to derail a Brewmaster thread, but the change to Ordered Elements for Windwalker really doesn’t change much, it just means you wont HAVE to use RSK in AOE situations to keep up the Ordered Elements Chi reduction. You’ll still use it for WDP and with Xuen’s Battlegear’s buff. Its a nice QoL change, but not one that will have a big impact.
True. Flexibility is always nice though
Absolutely, don’t want to pull a muscle.
At 6 stacks it’s a 210% increase vs 60% that’s really nice
6 stacks was 120%
It’s a bandaid at best. It does nothing to address most of the core problems with the spec. That being said it IS technically a buff so I can’t really complain. I expect it will be the only change we get for the next 4 months.
Isn’t this a nerf though since you can’t extend the chi cost reduction outside of SEF anymore?
I am fine with them removing min/max stuff like this but this should still be a nerf for ST.
Technically yes, in ST, but so small that it wouldn’t matter.