Older Veteran Player LF Casual Guild


I am a WoW vet that played Vanilla-Cata and am looking to get back into the goodness of Classic and adventure with some like minded people.
I am an older player looking for a guild comprised of other older players that intend to take it very casual. I am in the CST timezone and my playtimes are generally 8pm - Midnight, sometimes during the days sporadically on weekends. I have a 9-5 job and a family I spend most of my time with so guilds that have most of their members in the same situation is ideal. I am just getting started again so guilds that are not looking to get into raiding anytime soon and may still be leveling up are ideal. Please leave a message here or shoot me a message in game if your guild fits the bill!

Either Horde or Alliance would work for me. I would prefer a PvE server though. Looking forward to hearing from you!

Btag: Kazadoom#1948

Hey there - sent you a Friend Request. We’re on Mankrik (PVE) on the Horde side and we’re planning on 9pm CST raiding - with our main raid night being Saturday from 9pm-Midnight. Most of our is in the same boat as you, family and jobs now :slight_smile: so even though we do plan on raiding - it will certainly be a casual atmosphere for it :slight_smile:

Hit me up on Bnet, Discord, or on Mankrik if you’d like to talk more!

Bnet: Kazenokami#1111
Discord: Kazenokami#4490
Game: Kazenokami or Kazenokamii

Thanks, I’ll be in touch!

Hi I hope this finds you in good spirits. Anyway, I am Ismira but everybody calls me Issy. I read your post and I think I have just what you’re looking for. I hope and pray I’m right lol.

Here is my recruitment post take a moment when you have it and read it over, get back to me with whatcha think.

I can’t wait to meet you and chat.

Happy Hunting ~ Issy

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