Older Players

Wanted to test an idea and see if there’s interest. Currently playing and lvling Horde (in future Alliance as well) PvP characters on Thrall. I’ve been playing since the game first launched and am an older (much) player. I’ve always enjoyed the game and it’s a rare day when I don’t get in at least 2 hours of play. I’d love to build a community (guild) of older players (50+) for casual play - PvP, PvE, Raiding, Leveling. Been a member of many guilds and enjoyed most but always find myself at the extreme edge of the age distribution. As you can imagine, I don’t connect as tightly with the culture of most guilds as I’d like as a result. I have a Charter and I’m ready to kick this off - just need to find some like minded players. Hit me on this thread if you’re interested and we can connect in game.

…and to any younger players viewing this - if you have a parent who plays or is interested in starting out and might be looking for a guild or some support as a beginner - send them my way! Always happy to help out with a game I’ve loved for decades. No better way to get your elders off your back about game time than to get them involved.

Battle tag is Silverhand #1937.

One more post - just started a WOW Community called The Old Guard. Please visit / join if you’re interested.


I am interested and would like to chat. I sent a bnet friend request. Im mostly horde and I have toons on Thrall.

I’m already GM of a guild, but if you made a community I would be interested in something like that.

I bet a lot of my guild mates would also join, as…there are quite a few of us old geezers in my guild. LOL!

Til and her hubby are good peeps, used to be in their guild but they run too late for my old butt.

Hey Tillae - I did create a community - it’s called The Old Guard. Would love to have you join.

Folks - reupping this looking for an assist. Trying to get this off the ground and need some signatures for a Guild Charter. Anyone 50+ years old that has a toon on Thrall - msg me. I’d welcome the chance to meet in Oribos and get your signature. Need a couple to activate The Old Guard. Have a Discord channel with the same name. Hoping to make some new friends and have a little fun in The Shadowlands.

I’m 100% PvP but open to Raiding and Mythics. Hope to hear from some of you. Cheers

Guild formed with my Orc Arms Warrior named Fafhrd - still can’t believe the name was available but you have to be my age to have read the books. :grinning:

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Not to bump this unnecessarily but the Guild is now active and recruiting under the name Olde Guard. If interested, please contact the GM (Silverhand #1937) for an invite. Hope to see some of you soon!!