Old Ui vs new Ui

Overall I was uneasy with the ui updates that were announced with DragonFlight. And after using them for a while I feel like the old ui is better for me.

After adventuring with the ui for so so long it essentially became part of Azeroths charm for me. When it changed at the end of shadowlands I logged in and was eager to experiment with it. After experimenting I found out that nothing that I wanted to change could be changed, so I just moved what I could back to where it was originally and haven’t touched it since. And that remains the case even after further updates to it.

Don’t get me wrong the new ui is good and all but for me I just don’t feel that fantasy vibe from it. I know there are people who love the updates and that is totally awesome!

But it’s just not for me.

All I’m wondering is this. Is it too much to ask for the option to go back if I wish? And does anyone else want the option?


I’m very much the type of player who doesn’t adjust well to massive changes to my gameplay experience. While the UI is new and sleek and has some features I do enjoy (like the extra moveable action bars), I much more prefer the aesthetic of the Old UI.

It has charm and iconography that has made Warcraft such a staple, and to no longer have the option to simply use it feels like I’m being told how I should enjoy and play the game.

I’ve mitigated this by using the addons Classic UI, Classic Frames, and Classic Castbars, in conjunction with several other addons. But I like to keep my addon usage to a minimum, and the fact I have had to load so many just to get a semblance of the look of the old UI feels like I’m being punished for just enjoying something I’ve always known.

Not to mention these addons break with every new patch, thus dampening my enjoyment of the game as I dodge bugs ad nauseam.

I think having the choice to use one or the other or have combinations of the two is a healthy medium.


I very much agree and I just might have to try those addons. Sounds like it might help me enjoy the ui more.

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