Old tree form

I thought I saw a post on this somewhere else but I can’t find it and my Google fu is weak. I know there used to be a glyph that allowed you to be in the old tree form as q druid. I know it was just cosmetic and did not give you a buff. I was wondering if this was still something druids are able to do. I am thinking of playing resto at higher levels and enjoy being shapeshifted more than being myself.

https://www.wowhead.com/item=136787/tome-of-the-wilds-treant-form ?

Ty wasn’t sure if it was still available or if it was something they removed.

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Yep. Still use it in my heal spec. :slight_smile:

" Treant Form

Shapeshifted into Treant Form. All spells may be cast while in this form."

The spell description lies. You cannot cast all of your spells from treant form, specifically Starsurge for example.

BUT what you can do is make a cooking fire, and then stand in it for a bit… and you actually will set yourself on fire. Not even kidding, you can set your tree form on fire.

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Well I found it and got it. So I will have to try the fire tree form lol

Blizzard could update this form. I’d love to see a high-res model of it to keep it on par with the other forms.


I think it was removed and nerfed in its current appearance only form to make it harder for druid healers to immune polly effects. Or at least one reason.

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Its not a glyph anymore I found but you buy it in the dreamwalking place as an optional thing. Like flap if you go boomie

I think it was removed and nerfed in its current appearance only form to make it harder for druid healers to immune polly effects. Or at least one reason.

The other PvP issue was the armor.

Tree form also made druids the least flexible PvE healers. We couldn’t do any base class abilities like damage or CC without shifting out of tree and loosing armor, +healing, and regen. Other hybrid healing classes didn’t have the same restrictions and it made resto druids less effective than other healing classes in 5-mans. Oh, and in TBC there was a 20% movement penalty just to make us really feel like potted plants.

While I miss having a healing-specific shapeshift and the nice tree form armor, I do not miss the “interesting” tradeoff of being punished to merely toss out a moonfire.

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