Old Timer looking to make another run!

Hi Peeps,

Been a very long time since i was involved in raids but it’s time to get back in the saddle.

I have been involved in a couple of “hardcore” raiding guilds in the past which included being a officer and MT for Insurrection during our Server first race with Nocturnus Vexillari/Severed.

I bowed out of raiding due to burnout (DK OP) and have never really found a “want” for raiding again, until now. Hoping to find some fun in raids again after LFR killed it off.

So, looking for a guild that runs a few nights a week, has fun but still take it serious enough to want to progress through content. Have tried the whole 10-man thing, but only really ever had a good group of 4-5 people on a regular basis so looking to join rather than lead. I can roll any toon necessary, but currently have a Pally and Hunter @120

Look forward to hearing from you!



Insurrection eh?

Horrorfist is that you? xx

Negative. He was our Warrior Tank. I was DK.

Ropegang! 1/8M are Recruiting Wed-Fri-OPTIONAL -Sunday 7-10 pm SvT Looking for active players willing to push progression in Mythic & Push M+'s

Oganius (GM) - Shigz#1485

I remember now. It’s Nillon, or Existant, whatever name I went by back then. One of the resto shamans :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m raiding with Cen now over on Barth, good to see you’re still around! All the best with the search mate!

Hi mate. We’re a heroic-focused guild on Caelestrasz/Nagrand. We raid Thu and Sun 6:30-9:30pm ST. We’ve hit 8/8H and farming now as we look toward the new raid tier.

Our recruitment post is here if you’re interested: [A] Nagrand/Caelestrasz - <Empyrean> is recruiting (GMT +12)

Formed in September of 2018, Surrender to Madness is a mature and fun-oriented alliance guild in Frostmourne-OC seeking to push end-game content. We are a casual raiding guild going for top tier bosses while maintaining a relaxed raiding environment.

We raid every Wed and Thu from 9pm to 12am +8GMT (12am to 3am server time). We are looking for DPS and healers for our core team. Required ilvl is at least 370 and must always be on time for the raids.

Other guild activities include dungeon mythic+ and alt raids during the weekend.

For more info, add me in bnet ordained#1573

Hello there Fizz!

Great to see you coming back to wow and enjoying the game!

on horde Barthilas is a bunch of players similar to you who have been playing wow for many many expansions.
We are also a bunch of Ex-Hardcore raiders with plenty of experience but limited time so we raid 2 Nights a week Wed/Thurs 8-11pm. With Mondays as an offnight.

When we aren’t raiding we are still active with M+ keys pushing before and after raid times and most evenings through the week.

We are looking for ranged DPS and are happy to gear you if you are committed to joining :slight_smile:
We also appreciate flexible players with alts as that helps with progression!

If your interested hit us up!

Thanks for the replies guys. Will be in touch…

<Handle It> is an Australia based progression guild on Aman’thul server.

We are not racing for world/server first but want to be a consistent progression guild, meaning we want to progress Mythic content.

We are looking for like minded people to join us in raid immediately. We need dedicated and reliable people for the raid team.

Would love a warlock and dps DK if there are any out there

Recruitment is currently open for anyone interested in pushing Uldir and getting into mythic raiding

Raid schedule:

All times are server time:

Wed - 8:30pm to 11:30pm
Sunday - 8:30pm to 11:30pm
Monday- 8:30pm to 11:30pm

During progression we may extend raids and/or raid additional nights when possible.

We are looking for people dedicated to clear content, Players that will show up to raid nights on time, Players who know how to play their class and keep up on any changes Blizzard makes to the class/spec.

We are also looking for players to fill our casual team on Saturday nights starting at 8:30pm server time.

We also accept casual players and players who just want to do Mythic+ or pvp we are a very friendly guild who just like to have fun while playing.

We have mog contests with prizes, farming contests, mount runs and much more to participate in other than raiding.

We are currently 8/8 N , 8/8 Heroic 2/8 Mythic in Uldir

If you are interested in joining us please leave a post below,

Contact Feast, Furby or Velissaro in game.

Or add Furby on btag; Sammy#1911


I’ll leave a link to our guild stuff so you can have a read there (if you’re still looking for a guild).


Heroic only AOTC focused guild RL friends been together since vanilla let me know if your interested Halfbaked#1618