Coming back to WoW after a long hiatus and am looking for a mature, social leveling guild. I see LOTS of recruitment for raiding guilds, but nothing for leveling guilds. I can’t imagine there are none on such a high population server.
Please reach out to me either here or IG (Cedrica level 13 priest). Thanks.
Hello! If you are willing to start on a new server, you should come check out “Shady Acres” on Westfall Alliance. We are a social, leveling, non-raiding guild. We are just there to have fun, but realize life comes first. Almost all of us have alts at different levels and can run any dungeon.
Most everyone in the guild can invite, so feel free to look us up!
Good luck on your search for a home!
Check out Tabarnak on Pagle. Lots of people to play with at all levels. Hope to hear from you!
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