Does anyone remember when the lead singer of Korn was on stonemaul?
I heard stories he had a guild called children of the korn.
the requirement was you had to have a name that started with a ‘k’.
Does anyone remember when the lead singer of Korn was on stonemaul?
I heard stories he had a guild called children of the korn.
the requirement was you had to have a name that started with a ‘k’.
I remember when there was a guild that was called Children of the Korn that ran around but I don’t know anything about it being Jonathan Davis’ guild.
I’m not sure if it was ever actually confirmed or not but the character in question was a warrior named something like “hither” or “hister” (if memory serves, and that’s questionable since I’m awful with names in general)…
Edit : post below mine has the right name “Hiver”
The guild was CHILDRENOFTHEKORN. Because caps are important and JD’s character name was Hiver. Hope this helps.
Yeah I remember running into him once during the Headless Horseman event back in 2009 or something.
Crazy how that server was that big and now it’s pretty dead, debating trasnfering to a more populated shard.
So many memories though
Just “transfer” to Classic when it launches… Retail is a dead/dying game.
I look forward to turning many/all of you into soul shards again =)
You can’t turn me into a shard! I’m the same faction. I can’t wait to have the awful war mode gone for vanilla. Time to camp people until they rage quit again. A-Team be warned.
There are a few of us still around scattered.
Holy guacamole I remember you!
I DO remember that guild!! Use to run into them all the time in Westfall for some reason. I had heard that the guild was comprised of members of Korn but I didn’t know JD’s characters name was Hiver.
Btw, any of you OG Stonemaul’ers trying to group up for Classic WoW?? I was Druken on Stonemaul. Was one of the first level 60 NE Druids on the AC-side. Hoping to group up with former guild mates from GLA, Full Metal Alliance, and Snuggles.
Sorry mate, it’s horde for me. Got a solid grouping of 4-5 guilds I’ve played with in the past all going to Herod to form a decent raiding guild.
Were you in GLA before? Don’t recognize your character name.
Horde side. Bloodlines/Deja vu. I played with totemkamph (AuS) guild for a while.
Yea I loved chasing CHILDRENOFTHEKORN around. There were so many of them.
And yea Hiver was JD’s character he announced it by calling into a radio station back in the day.
Brings back good memories. Was a shaman in the guild a long time ago. I remember wiping together in ZG at the end of vanilla. We were pretty under geared but a fun group. Hope everyone is doing well!