Old school tight knit group of Top 100 US raiders reforming for SL, LF more adults

I am a real American.

Yeeeeaaahhh buddy

Mages and monks and dh oh my.

genghis khan, evil or progressive?

Where all them arrows at?

Happy 245, hoo raa

lest we forget

Corgis are best doggos.

Is this your correct address?

Facts dont care about your feelings and neither does our GM. Come kill bosses.

Looking for 1 Plate hybrid, 1 DPS/Healer hybrid, 1 super saiyan RDPS.

Lets goooooooo

Hello this is dog.

Hello this is dog.

Lets gooooo

Must be able to perform Haka.

Must also have 1k total.

Bring me a warrior and a healing priest.

Warrior, and stuff.

Looking good.
Hybrid pally / warrior or RDPS welcomed.