Old School Kargath

Any of the Kargath OG’s still play?

Sup bois

I still mount up here and there.

Been on and off. And faction changed. And server Changed…

Used to be a human warrior that no one probably wants to hear from.


Where’s the bois

Every once in a while, I redownload the client and sign back in. But those times are fewer and fewer. Either I left the game behind or the game left me behind. Either way, I miss being into this game and I miss the old days on this server.

Played hardcore till the pandas. Was the leader of Titans of Azeroth back in the day. Got a ton of server firsts back then. Just returned a couple of weeks ago and wanting to get back into endgame

[quote=“Iamnotaspy-kargath, post:6, topic:1110244”]
[/quote] wrong toon

Wicket is that you?