Old School Anub'Arak (with love, Pinktees)

Hi, friends! Vheissu/Pinktees checking in from Anub’Arak classic and TBC days. I played an undead rogue back in the day. Anybody from old school Anub’Arak still around and playing classic now?



lolroags :sunglasses::sunglasses:

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lolroags <3333

edit: Yttrius! You have a discord? Where is everybody? When tf did you roll a druid?

Bro, I just saw this. I’m the worst. I was deployed and completely forgot about this post. I do have discord, I’ll shoot you a message.

Hit me up on bnet!


I remember you Vheissu. It was a much simpler time. Miss your forum trolling on the warrior.

What was your old name?
RiP Mansquito!

Mansquito was my hero.

I had an UD rogue named Versik. Was in Cursed then TwIsTeD then Revolving Door.

Mained my mage Lfgismagical after season 2 of arena.

I love how Mansquito caused a huge issue between Anubarak and another server. Forums were alive with excitement.

Ya’ll remember WWAOP?

I remember We Wipe at One Percent.

I remember the name Aspena too…

I was Kambei, BE rogue.