Old Raids That Need Skips

Nope definitely Mount Hyjal and its waves of trash which reset if you wiped on the boss.

Reason why ToC was hated, as you mentioned was the burnout from doing it 4 times a week and the PvP fight was mixed in its reception. Other than that it was a good raid.

Mount Hyjal though… 8 waves of trash was boring and if something happened and you wipped on boss you had to redo the trash waves.

Allofum :]

Did they do something to break saving lockouts so you could skip to the bosses you want? That’s how I did it years ago.

Even the raids with 2 to 4 bosses lmao? I mean the only other old raids that might need a skip is Karazahn (but the place is pretty compact and easy to kill the bosses fast) and Ulduar (which is pretty fast to run).

This is just garbage reasoning. I did heroic ToC when we still had limited attempts, and you had to one-shot all the bosses to get the mount. I also agree that ToC is actually a great raid, and was simply underrated due to following Uldar. It’s a great raid, with solid bosses, and a cool theme to boot.

If we needed mental breaks during a raid night, then we took a break. Also, I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone praise trash respawns before, let alone during my mythic days. We wanted to progress on the bosses, not waste time with trash.


SOO needs a skip badly, getting to farm those shoulders is such an annoyance. Most of the time is spent walking.


So… much walking… even when using a mount its still so much…


Mt Hyjal was the only defensive raid. And only on 4 of the 5 bosses. Atchimonde is an offensive fight still - and the only difficult fight. also trash dropped gems and epic recepies.

Yeah I think the point of his post was to give me a passive aggressive insult and to not actually have a discussion about the raid itself.

I’ve always hated running to where Onyxia is :laughing:

I also like ToC for the lack of trash :heart:

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Yeah um, SoO definitely needs a skip, Icecrown citadel too while we’re at it, they’re both just way too long when you’re mog/mount farming specific bosses.

This is a great idea. Often we want only the final boss of a raid like ulduar or garrosh, the mechanics exist and should be retroactive since we’ve run these old raids so … many … times …


A skip on mythic SoO would have been nice. I used the lockout trick for heroic. They finally dropped on a mythic run.


It wouldn’t be so bad if they upped the loot drops to 5 instead of 3.

Ideally if possible, 3 pieces from 25 and 2 from 10 man if its possible to program.

I’m sure that’s possible and would even be nice, but Ion needs to keep us on that treadmill.

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This is a weird, and woefully inaccurate attempt at flexing. If you watch the hardcore raiders you’ll see the they do death runs specifically to SKIP TRASH.

If they won’t put a skip in SoO they should adjust Immersus, Galakras and above all else Spoils of Pandaria to somehow be quicker.


Apparently the CC is addressing this.

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this is used out of context, they do it for speed, not for mental clarity.