Old Raids That Need Skips

So… much walking… even when using a mount its still so much…


Mt Hyjal was the only defensive raid. And only on 4 of the 5 bosses. Atchimonde is an offensive fight still - and the only difficult fight. also trash dropped gems and epic recepies.

Yeah I think the point of his post was to give me a passive aggressive insult and to not actually have a discussion about the raid itself.

I’ve always hated running to where Onyxia is :laughing:

I also like ToC for the lack of trash :heart:

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Yeah um, SoO definitely needs a skip, Icecrown citadel too while we’re at it, they’re both just way too long when you’re mog/mount farming specific bosses.

This is a great idea. Often we want only the final boss of a raid like ulduar or garrosh, the mechanics exist and should be retroactive since we’ve run these old raids so … many … times …


A skip on mythic SoO would have been nice. I used the lockout trick for heroic. They finally dropped on a mythic run.


It wouldn’t be so bad if they upped the loot drops to 5 instead of 3.

Ideally if possible, 3 pieces from 25 and 2 from 10 man if its possible to program.

I’m sure that’s possible and would even be nice, but Ion needs to keep us on that treadmill.

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This is a weird, and woefully inaccurate attempt at flexing. If you watch the hardcore raiders you’ll see the they do death runs specifically to SKIP TRASH.

If they won’t put a skip in SoO they should adjust Immersus, Galakras and above all else Spoils of Pandaria to somehow be quicker.


Apparently the CC is addressing this.

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this is used out of context, they do it for speed, not for mental clarity.