Old Raids in Shadowlands

Do we know yet how farming old raids will be when Shadowlands launches? I’ve been farming old stuff and playing Alliance the past couple months for something different and I realized that with all the changes coming to level squishes and such that I have no idea how the changes will impact old raid farming.

Is there anything out yet about this?

It will likely not be exactly the same, but they’re going to still allow you to do old mog runs and what-not.

Nothing much will really change. You will still have the legacy loot mode damage buff, and raids will get scaled down to their adjusted level cap for their respective expansion.

For example Molten Core will go from 60 to 25 (as 60/120 = 25/50). Even currently, raids (and heroic dungeons) don’t scale to your level. So a TBC raid is still set to level 70 even though TBC currently scales from 58-80.

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Do you have a source to that speculation? Because last I heard all past expansions will span 1-50, which means that all old raids will be level 50.

Only while you are leveling on a new character. Once you hit level 50 and turn off chromie time, all previous expansion zones will go back to their adjusted level cap. That was clearly stated at blizzcon when they announced chromie time. And like I said, at the moment raids (and heroic dungeons) don’t scale with you while you are leveling, so why would they in shadowlands? When my level 80 herald toon goes into a TBC heroic, the enemies are level 70, not 80.


Expansions only scale up to 50 if you use Chromie Time. And that ends when you exit Chromie Time. At that point, they have their own level ranges, the same as now. In fact, you can skip Chromie Time and level through the various expansions the same as now.

Just watched a video from alpha, should be close to the same as now.

Just read over the transcript for the announcement, and not once do they say ANYTHING that supports your claim, nor do any of the slides. Everything still says all past expansions are 10-50. Chromie Time just serves to facilitate selecting the expansion starting quests and syncing any instanced locations to the proper timeline (for example ensuring that Grommash Hold has the right Warchief and council members present for the expansion you are choosing to quest through). Not once does ANYTHING state or imply that each expansion will have it’s own squished leveling range.

Regardless, they did say before that they are going to ensure that soloing old raids is still possible…

I imagine max level, or level 50+ characters should be able to farm them no problem. They already did a squish once, although it was rather messy due to them messing up the scaling. Knock on wood for this go round to where they do it properly.

Yes I believe Hazzlenuttygames was already clearing old raids and they should feel the same as clearing them on BfA.

Basically if you can solo them now you can solo them come time level squish.

From the deep dive panel:

You can think of this as analogous to our Timewalking essentially. So you will choose a setting, we will aim you at the correct story, and you can do all of your leveling all the way up to 50 — in which of these stories you want to?

Those of you who still want to play Warchief-shuffle can go ahead and just wander around in the world. You are not forced to do this; but we think that this is going to be a much better experience and give justice to the stories that have been lost in terms of relevance over the years.

Around level 50, you will leave Chromie Time and that altered-timewalking mode, and you enter the Shadowlands with everyone else.

And from an interview shortly after Blizzcon:

Actually, to be clear, it’ll be scaled from 10 to 50 while you’re levelling. However, that’s where Chromie comes in - Chromie Time. As you’re doing it from 10 to 50, it’s Chromie time, it’s scaled. Once you hit 50, Chromie will show up again and say, ‘Hey, it looks like you’re done, cool - let’s bring you back to the main timeline,’ and then you’ll be 50 and Pandaria will have been scaled down to around, I’m going to guess, 35-ish in the new scheme.


an interview after Blizzcon is not “at blizzcon when they announced chromie time”. But thankyou for providing the actual source. Since it was a response from an interview and included “I guess”… I’m going maintain the wait and see stance on this…

Around level 50, you will leave Chromie Time and that altered-timewalking mode, and you enter the Shadowlands with everyone else.

That’s a fairly clear indication that the 10-50 scaling thing stops being a thing at level 50.

And the “I guess” is about the specific level range, Pandaria is not going to be level 50 content after you’re done leveling to 50.

There’s also the fact that you can completely skip out on Chromie Time and level the same way we do now. If you do that, then Pandaria would never even get up to level 50.

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This is what I’m afraid of, honestly.

Thanks for all the responses though, I appreciate you all taking the time!

Hazel actually made a video about this.


First off, literally best worgen name ever. Second, thanks! Gonna give this a watch now <3

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You are welcome, figured a video would be more helpful then any words someone may give you. Seeing is believing and all that. Plus Hazel put it together all very nicely answering pretty much most questions someone might have on the subject.

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And even then, Nutts assumes that raids will also scale up with you while leveling even though they do not even do that on live. TBC raids are still level 70 regardless if you are level 71, 85, or 120 for example.

Honestly it is funny when people can’t fathom basic logic and think it is “speculation”.

It will be exactly same. I don’t even (…) how anyone can think otherwise.

My question would be, (and sorry if multiple people have answered this, but I have not seen it stated out right)… but typically what happens is it takes 2 expansions for a raid to be on… you’re invincible, and you mostly one-shot everything, farm mode, even on a mythic setting. For example, if on Live I go to any WoD raid I pretty much can watch a movie and farm. If I go to Emerald Nightmare on Mythic, I have to start burning cds and bosses still go down after 20-30 seconds, but I cant get past Xavious because i go insane or simply I cant kill him quick enough. I wouldn’t even try Tomb or Antorus. My question is do you think Legion content will now be in the same boat as WoD is now? And BFA content be closer to what Legion is now? Or are there changes that will increase the difficulty or ease to the respective raid. Just looking forward to do Nighthold transmog. From what everyone says its sounds like thats what their trying to pull off. I honestly feel like it would be easier for them to make anything older than two expansions on the same … 10-40 player levels? and then when future expansions come out everything’s not a mess, they just cycle out the last content your stats. Maybe thats what their doing? There are too many expansions for them not to have a system like this in play. Sorry for the word vomit.