Old raids, etc gold increased?

Im getting WAY more gold for gear and weapons for old content raids when Im farming them than I did just the last time I was doing it.
Stuff I remember getting 5 gold for just sold for 50.
Did they intentionally change it or just a bug or something?

they buffed ilvls of the gear and buffed bfa and SL boss hp

Higher ilvl = higher vendor price

I guess I should clarify.
I just ran thru Seige of orgrimmar.
For a long time now, for example, those gear tokens were selling for 5g to the vendor.
Today, however, they were selling for 50g, which I believe was the vendor sell price way back when Mists was current content.

Legion raids have een the same way. I was getting maybe 7-15g for various drops, now Im getting 30-60 each for the most part.

Not complaining…if they changed it, great…more gold for me.
Just wanting to see if it was intentional and permanent…or just an accident and the vendor prices will be fixed sooner or later