Old Raider Looking for a home

Hello everybody,

Still chasing that home feeling of an active guild that raids, M+ and enjoys playing other games also and is social and doesn’t just raid log.

I’m currently 9/9N 9/9H on a 440 Pres evoker 2260 io with AOTC and the legendary, but will be looking for an augmentation dps raid spot but can flex heal if needed.

I also have a 439 lock 2278 io with AOTC as well.

My raid times that i’m looking for are weekdays 8 est to midnight est any days. I have been playing this game since MC and I am just looking for that special feeling I had when I started playing this game.

I am open to server transferring.

Lets chat on Discord?


Hi Chronobreath!

If someone is looking for friendly social community, the beating heart of a MMO, Found a Green Quest (US Horde Zul’jin & cross realm/cross faction community) is the place. While we have Keystone masters and amazing players, we have many more in the community either returning to WoW, in classic or just finding their way through the World of Warcraft in a casual friendly environment. We have mythic Mondays for a respectful and fun environment. We raid weekly in Wednesdays and Thursdays (7:30pm-10pm EST) and are interested in building up people not tearing them down. We have plans for guild sponsored PVP, regular t-mog runs to old content, Guild trivia and game nights, Pet battle tournaments, almost any activity you can think of in the game. If you’re a high key pushers but are getting turned off by negativity, or are a casual looking for a fun and friendly community or are a new or returning player intimidated by everything you see ingame and in Wowhead, we have Plenty of people ready to help you out. Give Found a Green Quest shot and you wont regret it.

Let Kiuayoukai or Van know if you’re interested!

Discord: kiuayoukai
Battle.net Kiua#1912
Discord- vanthegreat504
Battlenet- TheHammer#1904

Id love to chat with you on discord!

Discord - kiwitiger

Hey Chronobreath! We are looking for a player like you who has a variety of toons to play with and raid with. If you’re looking for a balance between content progression and a fun guild, Heartbreakers is the perfect fit for you.

Heartbreakers is a friendly Heroic Raiding guild. Our goal is to achieve AOTC and potentially make some Mythic boss progress while maintaining a positive, fun, welcoming, and friendly atmosphere. On off days, many of our members engage in arenas, battlegrounds, lower and higher keys for Mythic+, running old raids, and hanging out on Discord. A significant portion of our guild consists of players who have been actively playing the game since The Burning Crusade and have been tackling various content together.

Our raid progression and raid days/times are as follows:

8/9 H (Tuesday and Thursday, 9 PM to 12 AM EST)
In addition I host a 9/9 N run and a Heroic run which usually progresses up to Echo. I usually start the weekend raids between 5pm and 7pm.

Heartbreakers prides itself on striking a pleasant balance with the following traits:

Friendliness, respect, progression, and stability.

What we are looking for:

All specializations and classes.

DPS: Both ranged and melee.

DPS with healing off-spec.

We seek dependable players with good attitudes, be it raiders or casual players. We welcome individuals searching for a long-term guild to call home, where they can enjoy both the game’s content and experiences, along with the social aspect of the game.

Feel free to add me on BNet at yrreg4791#1858. I look forward to chatting with you and possibly raiding together! :slight_smile:

[NA] [H/A] (Zul’Jin) Critically Dumb 9/9H and 2/9M

Critically Dumb is looking for players to solidify our raid roster for Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible

Who are we?

Critically dumb is a guild formed by a group of friends that enjoyed playing together and wanted more from the community of the game. On a cold winter night in 2018, the guild was founded by a group of friends and has been steadily growing ever since. The original goal of the guild was to raid together but it quickly grew to become a guild that not only achieved AOTC but also has dipped its toes into mythic every tier since. We achieved 4/8M Vault, 2/11M Sepulcher (roster boss), and 5/10M Sanctum.


The main goal of Critically Dumb is to achieve AOTC each tier and progress as far as we can into mythic before the end of the tier. We enjoy progression raiding and enjoy playing the game together to its fullest extent in all forms of content in the game. However, we also enjoy playing other games outside of world of warcraft together and also enjoy content outside of raiding. Most of our raid team runs keys together outside of raid time and achieved Keystone Hero last season and have achieved it this season as well.

We are currently looking for all dps specs to round out the mythic roster. High priority needs are a warrior, lock, and spriest.


We enjoy a variety of additional content such as PVP, mount/mog runs, and achievement runs. We have a very active discord and community.


It is imperative to our raid team that you are on time and can maintain a near perfect attendance to raid. Our raid times are 8pm-11pm EST on Tuesday and Wednesday. That being said, we understand that real life comes first and sometimes you will not be able to make it.

If you are interested and/or have questions, please reach out to me on disc at dave.8008

Hi there! I wanted to reach out and see if my guild Ember Sands might be a good fit. Your story sounds very familiar… We’re mostly made up of veteran players who have been playing wow off and on for a long time but keep finding our way back to this crazy game cuz of the people and the fun times to be had. We have that competitive edge and like to push content but are super chill and want to enjoy ourselves while we do it.

We raid twice a week on Thurs/Mon from 8:30pm-11pm central time and run M+ all the time in-between. Our discord is very active and we’ve got a great group right now :slight_smile: been having a lot of fun.

If you’d like to hear more about the guild I’d love to chat - my discord is Keskora (formerly Keskora#9189) or my Bnet is Hyperchema#1632

RoastedQuail is the home I lucked into and found when I came back at the end of BFA. You might feel the same way. Our details are below, and you can easily reach me on Discord (fintem).

Hi. RoastedQuail US–Lightninghoof (Connected Realms - Lightninghoof, Maelstrom, Ravenholdt, The Venture Co, Twisting Nether) is a longstanding, active and casual AOTC guild dating back to Vanilla. We are a tightknit, social group engaging in a wide variety of endgame content including Normal and Heroic Raid, Mythic+, PVP, Achievements, and spamming Discord with otter memes. Aside from otter spam, we also have an active #LFG channel on our Discord to help connect players for groups and general mayhem.

Though our members range in age from late teens to approaching pension, our average player is in their 30s. We understand the need to balance WoW and IRL. You will never catch flack for prioritizing real life over WoW.

Primary Raid, Heroic: Tuesdays & Wednesdays 8-10pm EST. We are currently 9/9N Aberrus, and 8/9H Aberrus.
Learning Raid: Saturday 8-10 EST. This is intended for alts (practicing alt roles and new specs), gearing up low iLvl mains, or learning new content. All Welcome.
Mythic+ Madness: Monday evenings and throughout the week. Our goal is to ensure that anyone who wants to achieve KSM and push keys does, without needing to PUG. Monday evenings are social keys. Throughout the week, interested players push higher keys, currently running 16-20+ keys.

Looking for: Newer, veteran, and returning players alike. Players new to raiding and Mythic+ are welcome. All roles and specs. We value player enjoyment over meta specs. For Mythic+, run what you love. We have members running keys at varying levels (+2 – 20s and beyond) all week long. For Learning Raid, all are welcome. For Heroic Raid, by invitation only at the moment.

Expectations: No Toxicity. Be kind, be decent. Raiders should have good attendance, team oriented attitude, the ability to communicate on Discord, must use DBM/Bigwigs and Weak Auras, focus on your role, have a positive attitude, patience and growth mindset while we progress as a guild, good sense of humor, and a desire to have fun.

If interested, hit me up on my Discord (fintem) or Bnet (fintem1259#1488), and we can chat. No need to immediately jump servers or join guild, just come chill with us in Discord, or join our cross-realm In-Game Community, check out raid or keys, wreck some mobs, and have fun.

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If you feel that you can perform at an exceptional level we would be interested in speaking with you.

About Us:
Premonition (Cutting Edge HFC+EN+NH+Ant+Uldir+BoD+TEP+Nya+SOD+SFO+VotI) is a Horde guild on US-Magtheridon. Our raid team has been together since MoP and we pride ourselves in maintaining a stable home for players. We are looking to bolster our roster with players who are interested in progressing Mythic content. While we maintain a laid-back, non-elitist environment, we are in no means casual – our goal every tier is to push CE. We have streams available for anyone who is interested in checking out our raid environment. Outside of raid, we have an active player base looking to complete M+’s every day to farm gear/io. We also play games outside of WoW and have an active Discord.

Raid Times:
Tuesday: 9 PM – 12 AM EST
Wednesday: 9 PM – 12 AM EST
Thursday: 9 PM – 12 AM EST

Extensive knowledge of your class
Non-toxic/elitist attitude
Consistent attendance (90%+)
Ability to communicate (have a working mic)
Bring dps/health pots (we provide flasks, food buffs, and vantus runes)
Desire to be competitive

Recruitment Needs:
Do not hesitate to apply even if we’re not looking for your class. We are always looking for talented players in all roles/classes.

Havok DH

WW Monk

Feel free to apply at https://bit.ly/3LyG4Cu

Btag - Ludacris#1776, or Limeyman#1556; Contact us in-game with any questions and to start the painless application process.

Hello Chronobreath!

We are Bad Mood Bears, which is a guild of ex-hardcore players looking to fill our raid for mythic and pushing for CE. We have several previous CE raiders including our raid lead. We are a chill group simply looking to progress at a decent pace in a fun low-stress environment. If this sounds like it might be a good fit then reach out to:



Currently Recruiting:



Priority on:

Flex Shaman

We look forward to hearing from you and we wish you the best of luck in your endeavors in Azeroth!

Greetings Chronobreath,

I think we might be a good fit for you. We’re not looking to recruit folks for progression, much more interested in finding people who want to be a part of our community. Sure we do the standard raid/m+ content, but we have an active Discord, do monthly game nights, achievement runs, etc.

I’ll leave our standard recruitment post so you can check out the details, and if you’re interested - give me an add on Discord (Briznot) or Bnet (Briznot#1909).

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Too Old For This is currently looking to fill some DPS slots for our current Heroic/Mythic prog team. We consider ourselves a “Mid-Core” guild, valuing the fun of the game in equal part to downing content.

We are also recruiting members looking for a more non-raider playstyle! Wanting to run M+, clear timewalking and older content, only raid occasionally once a week on our alt night ect!

Raid Times

  • Tuesday/Saturday from 9p-12a EST Heroic/Mythic Progression
  • Thursday starting at 9p EST we have an optional community night.
    We primarily us community night to run the raid on Normal (soon to be Heroic once we are fulling progressing into Mythic) to gear raiders that are behind, casual players, and trial with recruits… We also use the time to do achievement runs, mount farming, M+, timewalking and ect!

Enjoy the game and always strive to improve when you can! Don’t be afraid to ask for help and always feel free to offer it! As the name implies, we are all “older” gamers, looking to have fun and not let egos/attitudes get in the way of it - while still managing to down content as a decent pace!

If any of this sounds fun to you, or if you have questions, please reach out!
Contact info

  • Discord: aeodeka
  • Bnet: Aeo#1512

Hi there!

Emotional Damage could use you for our AOTC push this week! Raid times seem to match and be a good fit for your schedule. If you want to join a badass group of delinquents who chase stepmoms, smoke out, and have a good time, feel free to check us out below! Tell em the milfy chaser sent u!

Hi, Chronobreath,
Chain Reaction is (cross-faction) guild on Lightbringer. We run Heroic T/Th 7-9:30pm pacific. Not sure if us being a bit off your time is a deal breaker. If not, read on!
Currently looking to add some dps to our raid team, plus we do keys, mog, some pvp, you name it.
If you’re interested to chat, hit me up Rowanbeth#1291 on Battlenet or rowanbeth on Discord!

Hey there Chronobreath,

I had the same feelings when I came back to seriously raiding in Dragonflight. Been playing since vanilla as well and I’m the healing lead in a newly-formed mythic raiding team called Terra on Area-52 that has a long history of playing together on different teams as well as CE-experience.

We’re looking for players with prior mythic experience who want to raid a 6 hour schedule while utilizing some of the best-practices you see in more serious environments. We’re a group of raiders with various mythic experience, including CEs.

We raid 8:30-11:30pm ET Wednesday/Thursday and take advantage of our limited hours by coming to raid well prepared and highly organized. As an example, we watch PTR footage and take a look at logs to create our strats and healing CDs that we’ll use during week 1. We also regularly analyze our play and come to raid with modified strategies to ensure our success.

Our primary organizational focus is progressing through mythic raid content in a constructive and productive raid environment. We’re willing to make short term sacrifices like investing in a player who shows potential and needs some gear and some practice or removing a player who might be highly skilled individually but isn’t on board with playing as a team and keeping the raid culture constructive.

We’re also an active M+ community that has a number of players in the 2.5k-3k io bracket. We are looking for more players to fill out groups for weekly keys.

If those practices and values speak to you, have a look at our recruitment post and drop us an application if you like what you see.

Recruitment post: [Area-52] <Terra> LF Mythic-Minded Raiders (Former CE Experience)

Application: https://forms.gle/ESQXrPm6fsNKvfDx7

Hey man! We’re currently looking for a Aug Evoker or a big demo/destro warlock. My names Ley, and I would love if we could possibly continue a conversation about trialing. My bnet is Ley#11334 and disc is Ley2124. I hope to hear from you soon :slight_smile: