Old Post please use our new one

Actually Alleria Windrunner is the greatest hunter in game.

Still looking for players? Lvl 60 undead rogue here looking for a change. All attuned and experienced

lol, realized I responded on my ally toon

Hi Peos - we just filled our last rogue spot. Best of you luck to you though.

backj to the top!

holy/disc priest, resto shaman- message us

we have candy and brownies and roofies. you get two of three and roofies are one. now get in the van… err guild

ignore him. the rest of us do :smiley:

Have you prepared your body for extreme raid logging and systemic elitism? Join Cabal today!:

  • Do not join expecting any kind of in game community. We’re fantastic at making new members feel unwelcome. Our social clicks are strong and you have no chance of being included, You’ll love it!
  • Do not expect the advertised alt run on Sundays, it doesn’t happen. Our officers can’t be bothered to run it.
  • Do not expect to run the advertised ZGs, the people that organized and ran those have left.
  • Do not expect to be allowed to enjoy the raids, speaking is strictly prohibited. Fun is not an option. Show up, mute your mic on discord and for god’s sake do not make a mistake that causes a wipe.
  • Despite what is said here you will be expected to bring and use consumables for all raids, if you don’t you’ll likely be singled out and badgered and bullied until you do. The in game emails and tells you’ll receive are an especially nice touch.
  • You do not need mods, they’ll just yell at you a bit more if you pull threat, stand in fire or kill something you shouldn’t have.
  • Showing up on time and prepared with your special gear or bullets is not actually required, if you are late do don’t panic as long as you’re friends with the right people you’ll just be summoned. You can do this for every raid if you want, it will be fine
  • Keep your constructive criticisms and suggestions for change to yourself. We’re perfectly happy with our disfunction thank you very much.

    Let’s face it, most guilds in Classic can say they’ve killed all the bosses, so when it comes down to it, it’s the people you raid with that make the difference. Don’t waste your time with cabal if you want a worthwhile classic experience. If you want a truly vanilla experience with all the pettiness and drama that came with those original days you’ve come to the right place!

-raid times subject to change without notice

Sorry you had a bad experience, Mojax. You’re in the minority here. No guild is perfect, but that’s your own toxic personality getting in the way of sound judgement. Hope you find a good place to land here in classic or retail.

You can all see why we parted with this guy. In game names are Mojax and Bulldogg. Avoid at all costs.

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I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy your time with us, but this is just sad.

Mojax/bulldog, we geared up your mage and warrior. If you didn’t like how we did things you could have left at any time you wanted before you threw a fit about us wanting the raid to use consumables on the twin emperors in aq40.

You’re upset about raid times changing abruptly? We changed them to try and accommodate you and your wife’s schedule months after you joined. Months after being told that our raid times were 8:30-12:30 personally by me, the GM. All of that after you declared your ultimatum “I will be logging off at 10:30 period.” We still tried to work with you.

We have an open environment at Cabal. We always have. I can’t force you to come to me or or the officers and voice your concerns. Yes, we do ask people to quiet down in discord on boss pulls and new content. The rest you said is just noise. We aren’t perfect, but we are a far cry from what you accuse us of being.

I really hate doing this. I despise drama, but like i said this is just sad. You were such a coward that you couldn’t even put your face on your own words.

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Lets talk cowardice Dren because I vocalized my concerns multiple times. They’re painted all over your discord, unless you deleted those too. Instead of addressing things you stuck your head in the sand and pretended everything was peachy trying to avoid it. The Pre-meditated kick without bothering to try and discuss whatever issues you apparently have and have had for quite a long time also not a surprise. Yes I know all about you and Ted and your disliking me, yes I know you had been planning this for a while. I’ve been told by multiple people after the fact all about it. Does it surprise me that neither of you two cowards had the stones to talk to me like men? No. That’s par for the course.

I had issues with the raid times, yes. I also dont give two squirts about raiding. This is also something everyone knew about me. I was perfectly ok with not raiding at all, I play the game to hang out with chill people. Ask anyone that actually logs on. For some reason even though I was up front and honest with you about my schedule you guys continued to invite me to raids. Why is that? Was it because you were trying to manufacture a reason? I dunno… seems kinda fishy. Lead a guy on who had said what his schedule was, said he would log off at a certain time then continue to bring that up as a problem you have. :slight_smile:

To have an open environment Dren you have to actually be available, then you have to actually be willing to listen. Otherwise you’re full of hot air and dreams. It’s something you can work on moving forward with whoever is willing to stick around with you. Don’t just say you’re open and willing to talk actually do it.

I wish you guys luck going forward and I really hope you don’t break your necks falling off your high horse.

Bonus for you, free bump on your post!

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You’re welcome to say and believe what you want.

Good luck whenever you end up.