My fiancé and I are returning to WoW after a long absence. I’m playing on Uldum to get myself used to the changes. Any Ally guilds recruiting? I’m more of a casual player but I’m willing to try new content.
Welcome Back!
There have been a ton of changes lately, feel free to ask questions.
2 good places for finding people to play with:
Your Realm’s forum. There are always guilds looking to add to their ranks. The ABC’s of successful guilds start with Always Be reCruiting
Communities Recruitment forum. Communities are kind of like cross-realm guilds without guild banks and calendar integration but with chat that allows you to communicate with people on other realms. They are generally created to serve a specific purpose, like finding leveling up friends.
Each character can be a member of multiple communities and only 1 guild.
Welcome back!
While I do not run a guild, I did want to let you know I recently created a community dedicated to helping new/returning players. We are very small at the moment but I am hoping to grow! I hope you’ll check it out.
My guild is always recruiting. We welcome players of all skill levels while maintaining a successful raid team and M+ runners. We’re alliance and located on Fizzcrank/Aggramar. If you have questions don’t hesitate to add me MugsyMalone#11293.