Old player coming back LF guild

Hey there. Old player coming back to the game after being away for a good 6 years or so … I loved Wpvp, light RP, running BGs and Arenas, etc. I was in Clan Battlehammer for a few years and now I find out they left the server some years back. Crud.

IRL I’m older (51), easy going, looking for a more laid back guild that loves pvp and just playing the game. I’m on Tancred (Pal), Naingrim (H), Tiberius (DK), Obmi (W) … casual player.



CBH is still on the server. Their attendance is currenty split between retail and classic at the moment, but they are not gone from the server.


Oh. Okay thanks for that info.

You’re welcome to join Northmen Empire on any characters that’s not an elf, we are everything you mentioned, and I also used to be CBH through MoP and WoD. Any skill level is welcome


Join WSB, it’s pretty chill and a lotta fun


I was actually in WSB for about a month years back when I changed my paladin to a Blood Elf. lol fun bunch truly … but I just don’t care for playing Horde :frowning: … but thanks for the invite!

pa. Oh my bad, the H was for class, Hunter.

I get that. The only thing that I like about the Horde is the undead race. Aside from that, I just love Alliance. Plus we get some seriously creepy stuff, which I love.

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