Blizzard please add Phylacterweave to the loot table for bosses in old Naxx. Even if it were guaranteed drop for every boss it would still take over 100 runs for a single set. You would still maintain the high barrier of entry to aquire. 2.8 million gold is a ridiculous amount for a single xmog set and im sure there are far better gold sinks to impliment if that was the original goal.
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Just gonna have to bite the bullet and pay to win man. I sunk 1.3mil gold worth of accumulated wow tokens to get the helm and shoulders last night.
Pay to win, this is the way, this is the sytem. I (hate) love it. yes.
Would it be nice, yes.
But this is blizzard’s way of not invalidating the time and effort (or IRL money) people put into buy the equivalent set from the BMAH where individual pieces could go for hundreds of thousands of gold.
You could easily spend 2.8 million buy the full 8 piece set from the BMAH. You could also spend less because of the BMAH being well an auction house.
Its fine as it is, you can get it slightly cheaper off the BMAH, or you can save gold and get it. The game has been throwing gold at players since WoD.