Old Man Jim’s BG gearing group


Do you like dad jokes? Would you enjoy an older gentleman tell you about the, “good old days”, or would you like unsolicited life advice? Then join me this coming week for Beastlyjim’s horde BG group and have a chance to experience it all.

Here’s some examples of the dialogue that could take place during our fun filled, action packed and totally radical battlegrounds -

Jim - “So what is your degree in?”
Random BG party member #1 - “Anthropology”
Jim - “Good look being poor”


Random BG party member #2 - “I can’t get a girlfriend, girls my age just like bad guys”
Jim - “eat red meat, lift weights and get a crew cut. Stop watching TikTok, it’ll rot your brain”


Random BG party member #3 - “grandpajim, do you like the tv show, Euphoria?”
Jim - /remove Random BG party member #3 from group

If this all sounds exciting, join me in the quest for max gear this coming week as all seek the ever changing max item level.

Yours truly,

Peepop Jim


Honour gearing is fast, you won’t have to keep up the struggle for long before sinking into your old folks home recliner and passing out to Murder She Wrote on the community room TV.


False. Don’t make me clip your wings, you winged atrocity.

Also, I watch Bonanza on Wednesday nights.


I queued randoms for 2hrs last night and got half the set. It really is fast, grandpa. Promise.

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Thank god for that. I approach my final days and my feeble heart could not stand another honor gear/upgrading grind like SL.


If they play their cards right they may get to experience the majesty of me typing non-PC lingo in chat, and talking about women as objects.

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I’m over 40 and the only times I’ve seen Murder She Wrote or Bonanza were at my grandparent’s house as a kid. Ya’ll must be ancient.

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I was Lon Chaney’s lover.


So, there’s a 100% chance they’ll behold you talking like this.

Your grandparents sound au courant. Would they like to BG with us?

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Do the vendors give a discount for AARP?

That would be fantastic. I’ll let you know once I hit 70 and get some honor. I did recommend to Blizzard that between the hours of 3pm-5pm, there should be an honor boost for all senior citizen players. “Early Bird BG Special”.


Solid advice

What level you at Jimbo?

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Hm, I think logged at 68 1/2.

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proceed am listenin


You should come listen in real time. We miss you.

My pants just became too tight. Weird.

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ill get to leveling my horde arms warrior so i can be useless with you guys

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37 here.

100 percent this.

Add me and I’ll pocket heal you with some awesome “get in there champ” rescues with the all not knowing pres evoker.

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