Old macro not working

So i had this macro to quickly send items to bank alts, haven’t used it in some time, tried to modify it to use with pet charms, but i have no clue why it doesn’t send, i hear the sound of ‘picking’ but an error pops up and nothing.

/run local n="163036"for i=1,GetItemCount(n)do if not(i>12 or GetSendMailItem(i))then PickupItem(n)ClickSendMailItemButton(i)end end SendMail(“char name”,“Patuá”,n)

Either that or an addon that would allow me to send stuff to alts with something like:
premade list with target alts
hit send

TSM is good in that BUT it’s kinda too heavy to use just to have a mail function.
Bulk mail seems totally broken, the fix in the comments section work half the stuff.
Postal has a ton of bugs
Mail Commander is broken too.