Old Ironjaw and Old Crafty

What are your experiences?
Have you caught 'em?
For rarity users, how many casts?
Any tips?

Make me believe they exist!


You’ll think I’m making this up, but I just caught Old Ironjaw in IF right after making this thread. 442 casts.

Whatever you’re wanting, go make a thread about it! It’ll bring you good luck! :sweat_smile:


I got crafty over a decade ago. I tried for Ironjaw a LOT. I don’t do that sort of thing quit as much as I used to so I’ll probably not catch him. I think I gave up fishing trying to collect lunkers for Pagle.


Go get Ironjaw! You’ve got to have the matching set!! :fish:

Back during Wrath when you went to an instanced version of Orgrimmarr after the Wrath Gate I spent 8 hours fishing for Old Crafty before I completed the quest that sent me there. It took me about that long to fish up the one in Ironforge over the course of several weeks.


Oh man, not sure I’m that dedicated. That’s some hardcore fishin’.

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I’m reasonably sure I’ve fished them both up (but not on the same character). I never really dedicated time to fishing them specifically, I just like to fish.

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This achievement is the only thing preventing me from getting the Salty title. I’ve tried for dozens, upon dozens of hours since about Cata in both Ironforge and Ogrimmar. Easily has to be in the multiple thousands of casts, and possibly my worst RNG to date but I don’t feel like doing the math compared to my god awful hundreds of Huolon attempts.


Every time I think about clearing out those fishing activities I couldn’t get through when they were current…

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I got both like a decade ago. i seem to remember getting them fairly quickly.


I have Crafty but I gave up on Ironjaw many years ago.

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It’s really funny you made this post cause I’m fishing for Old Ironjaw in between TW queues.


You gotta keep at it 'cause Salthy Monkiy sounds pretty good lol…

No, I believe you. I often boast about being luckier than other players when it comes to getting what I want, but I fully believe a big part of that is manifesting my destiny by putting it out there in the universe. That’s what you just did. Congrats.

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I’m somewhat the same way. I don’t try and camp rares out for example. I justify why I’m in that zone for other reasons and if I get the rare, then it feels much better because I’m not camping for hours. If I don’t find the rare, that’s cool I’ll go do something else and check back in a few hours.


That’s inspiring! Gonna ponder on that.

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I probably fished up Ironjaw in IF on various alts doing the fishing dailes about 5 times. However, I don’t think I’ve seen it since at least MoP or WoD. With this being my new main, I already fished up the music scroll but I haven’t come across Old Ironjaw yet.

If IF gave classic fishing skill, I’d probably go there tonight and fish for a while. But alas, it doesn’t.

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I got Old Crafty on my first character. I remember having to do hundreds of casts for it. I got Old Ironjaw on my first Alliance character, who was fishing on her first quest. During Shadowlands, I fished up Old Crafty on a low level to use as an offhand. I had to give up her two mug mog and ended up with a frying pan in one hand and a fish in the other.

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It always made me grin seeing someone battling with a fish, though haven’t seen anyone using one in a long time now for some reason.

Undoubtedly an ilvl issue. She was a level 6, and the fish was ilvl 12. So not useful for any but a very low level.

I just looked at the item. It now has no ilvl.

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I have a saying with some of my friends, “B---- and ye shall recieve.”
I cannot count the number of times that we’ve had something happen, drop, etc. the moment we opened our mouths to really complain about it. I guess I’m just not salty enough for one of these damn fish yet.