Old Ironforge is Terrifying

Located under a big ol’ sea of lava. I’m paranoid of the ceiling caving in everytime I go there.

What were the gnomes thinking?

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Old IF reminds me of Moria from “LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring”, where you could find the skeletal remains of dwarves and orcs.

Be careful though, I heard the Balrog is still hiding in the shadows down there.

“Fly, you fools!”


It’s been there ages. It’s not going to suddenly cave in now.

I think its against TOS to go there, so I wont confirm or deny ever having been there, I think most people think, you are trolling to see who’s been there and wont reply.

What on earth are you babbling about?


gnomes didnt build it. dwarves did.


Same thing.

Dwarfs and gnomes look all the same to high elfs

You may be thinking about under Stormwind.

How do the dwarves survive living in volcanos? Volcanic gases containing carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide are lethal with long term exposure.

We’re not the same. Closely related, but distinct. Gnomes used to be metal constructs while most Dwarves were stone.

One specs in mining and blacksmithing while the other specs in mining and engineering.

We’re not the same.

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Lethal to YOU. We put that $#!+ on everythin’.


It’s not living under a volcano. Which would be impossible. For one, Dwarves are a smithing race. From blacksmithing to jewel crafting and, specific to WoW, engineering. What the game does not show you is the engineering used in transporting molten metal transported through the city to the blacksmithing area to be used to make products. Just like the actual size of cities and the world, the world cannot be fully represented as it would require to much data to show. Hence, with molten liquid dropping it’s not because there is a volcano above…it’s because the liquid metal is being deposited in the lake there for the workers.

That may explain why dwarves have such, odd proportions. Chronic exposure to toxic chemicals has been linked to birth defects and deformities. Such could attribute to a dwarve’s … diminutive stature.

looks humanoid cow up and down

Yeah, your proportions dont infer any genetic problems at all… :smirk:


“Seemed like a good idea at the time.”

What else did you expect?